A Strange Encounter (Part 1)

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   It was a cold and snowy January 6th in New York City that year. Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange had just gotten up from sleeping in his home on 177A Bleecker Street, Greenwich Village, New York City, NY. He put on his blue robes and his golden gloves. Then, he went up to the third floor and got his cloak out of its display case.

"Today's a special day, my friend. We have to go to London once again." The cloak put its collar up as if to say that it was overjoyed. Wong came up and looked at Strange.

"We need to leave in half an hour. Will you be ready?"

"Of course I'll be ready. I'm never late."

"Strange," Wong said as if to warn the doctor.

"Okay, fine. I was late once." Then Wong's eyebrows went up and Strange said, "Okay maybe more than once." With that, Wong smiled, nodded, and walked out of the room.

   After a series of eating, brushing teeth, and gussying up, Stephen Strange was ready to have a meeting with some sorcerers who wanted to be the new protector of the London Sanctum. Wong met him in his bedroom at exactly 10:30 AM.

"Are you ready to go now, Strange?"

"Yeah. Let's go. They won't be happy if we're late."


   Then, the two men marched next to each other as they approached the doors that led to the Hong Kong Sanctum, London Sanctum, and the newly-installed door to Kamar-Taj. Stephen Strange approached the London Sanctum door and slowly opened it.

   After Sol Rama, the old protector of the London Sanctum, was killed by Kaecilius' Zealots, the London Sanctum has been as vulnerable as ever. Many sorcerers had attempted to step up to the position, but so far, Stephen has declined all of them. Today, Stephen and Wong were meeting with 7 different sorcerers who also want the position. In addition, Tina Minoru, the protector of the Hong Kong Sanctum, will accompany the two men.

   Strange and Wong strided down the halls of the Sanctum and walked into a room with a long table and chairs. Strange sat at the end of the table, and Wong sat in the chair to the right of Strange. A few minutes later, Tina Minoru came into the room and sat in the chair to the left of Strange.

   Finally, at eleven o'clock, three of the "contestants" came into the room and sat down with their hands folded and perfect posture. Strange leaned in close toward Wong and whispered, "I already like these three."

   After five minutes passed, all of the sorcerers had sat down in their seats. "Hello, everyone. I am Doctor Strange, and this is Wong." He waved my hand in Wong's direction and then in Tina's direction. "This is Tina Minoru. You will treat all of us with respect and I wish you all the best of luck." Then, Strange forced himself to give all of them a fake smile and put his hands down.

"So, we'll just go around the table and you'll say your name so that we know who's who." With that que, Wong got out an old-looking journal with a leather cover and a fountain pen. As everyone said their name, Wong jotted each of them down in the journal.

   After a few hours of talking with everyone, Strange stood up and said, "Okay, everyone. Before I state my decision, I want to say that, um, everyone seemed like talented sorcerers and it was nice to meet all of you." Then, Strange paused for a minute and sighed before continuing. "So, I have decided that the new protector for the London Sanctum is--"

   Then, Strange got interrupted by a man busting through the room's closed doors. Another slightly older man was behind the door-busting man, looking a little worried. "I'm sorry, but it seems that everyone here is in danger of dying today."

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