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I used to look up at the night sky when I was young,

I would stare at the stars for hours,

It used to calm me down so I wouldn't have the urge to cry when I would get in a fight.

Now that I am an adult,

I gaze at the moon and the stars still,

And it makes me think of her.

I could go on and express my attraction and likeness for her in many ways,

Her eyes could not compare to even the brightest burning stars in all the galaxies,

Nor any grand milky way.

Her hair fiery and sensuous touch strikes me to the core with such intensity as the sun,

Yet she has the soul of the moon and caress of a rose.

Eyes lush forest green and skin like porcelain,

To me she is such a fascinating and alluring creature.

Her giggle is just as cute as her soft snoring,

Or how she subconsciously drapes her arm around me whilst sleeping,

Or even when she calls me "Princess" affectionately.

At times I would light up cigarette and watch as the smoke would dissipate,

And I would wonder if I am ever good enough for anybody

I let doubt in like a neglected crack in the wall,

Old and faint but ever present,

It seizes my mind and my every thought.

Trapped and unable to escape my thoughts I worry,

Yet she always has a way to save me from drowning endlessly.

I know she cares for me as I do her,

Words cannot describe how happy she makes me.

She was clever as a fox was she,

the climb over this fort I built so carefully.

My inability to let things go and my heated temper aren't good for company,

My mind changes like a flick of a cats' tail and I am usually always grumpy.

Yet when I begin to like someone and they accept all the ugly parts of me,

No starry sky or burning star,

Nor any grand milky way,

Not the sun or the moon,

Nothing can compare to her, not even Darth Vader.

If she were to look up at the sky as I am right in this moment,

Then I would not feel alone.

For if she is looking at the same sky at the same time,

Then I don't feel as if we are galaxies apart.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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