•Chapter 2•

Începe de la început

As we pulled up to the high school, I couldn't help but feel nervous.

It's a whole new territory I have yet to explore.

It's like I'm starting all over again.

Eventually, I calmed myself down and took out my schedule.

"Hey Asher, can I take a look at your schedule?"

He nodded and handed me his.

I analyzed the paper to see if we had any classes together.

"Looks like we actually have classes together this year." I smiled.


"Yup, we have the second, fifth, and last period together."

"Awesome, last year we only had one period together."

I smile and nod.

"It's easier this way, so that we can just walk out to the bus together and go."

He nods in agreement.

"Ok I need to head to my first period, cya!" I said



It's the end of the school day and I've already made a good amount of friends.

Making friends is really easy for me so I'm not surprised.

Asher had a good day too.

After we both got off on my spot, we walked and went to get pizza at the nearby pizza place we always go to and then went our separate ways home.


January 18th

It was our lunch period, some of my friends and I were sitting at our table and talking.

This included Asher and his newest girlfriend, Amara.

This has been his fifth girlfriend this year alone.

Amara and I were actually friends back in elementary so I knew her a good amount.

Asher is always coming to me for girl advice since I'm good at helping with that kind of stuff.

We were just talking about random things when the topic of couples came up.

Being the teens we are, we started teasing Asher and Amara and had them sit closer to each other.

"Come on Asher get a little closer to her, she is your girlfriend." One of the girls said.

I nudged him and gave him a wink, gesturing for him to get closer.

He took the hint and put his arm around her, kissing her on the forehead.

I smiled and gave him a nod.

"Hey, Bri, maybe you should move a little bit away from Asher." someone said.

"What? Why?" I asked in confusion.

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