Chapter One

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Chapter One

"Come on, Bethy, any slower and we'll miss our train!" I heard Dwayne yell from ahead. I grit my teeth, I was definitely not the fittest out of my group of friends and they all knew it, yet they still complained when I lagged behind.

I huffed, as I forced my feet to move faster to catch up with the rest of my friends. We were in Switzerland and were headed to Rome next. As a way of celebrating the end of high school, and the beginning of our new adulthood life, my friends and I decided to backpack through Europe for three weeks. We've been in Dublin, Edenborough, London, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, and Berlin so far, and just finished Interlaken, Switzerland. Our next stops were Rome, Barcelona; six more days till we finish having the time of our lives and begin our mature venture into adulthood.

I grabbed hold of the railing as I sped up the stairs to the station. My friends already there, waiting for me. There were five of us in total; Dwayne Carter, Jasmine Klak, Alissa Briley, Jackson Topplin, myself.

"Took you long enough, Bethy!" Jasmine chimed, as her swung an arm around my shoulder. I smiled at her, Jasmine was always the cute, laid back chick of our group. She was mouthy as hell, but it was all innocent. She had light brown wavy hair that reached her midriff, and creamy bronze skin. She had the warmest and friendliest smile and soft brown eyes. Out of them all, she was my best friend, the one I was closest to.

"Not my fault you guys walk so fast!"

"More like you walk so slow, Beth." Jackson rolled her bright blue eyes. Jackson was the quietest of the group, but whenever he did speak it was usually to roast me. Sigh, what great friends I have.

"I say Potato, you say Potato" I said as we climbed aboard the train with our small suitcases and bags.

"Alas, Potato is the right way to say it so your argument is invalid" Dwayne's deep voice came from behind me, as he grabbed one of the bags I struggled with.

"What is it? Pick on Bethy day?"

"Hey, I'm helping you with your bags!" I smiled softly at Dwayne, showing my appreciation. Dwayne looked very intimidating if you first look at him, with his broad shoulders and wide built and height. Plus, the way he dressed, emphasizing each toned muscle didn't help either, but in reality he was one of the sweetest guys I've ever known. Other than his sarcasm, of course.

"When isn't it 'Pick on Bethy Day'?" Alissa smirked as she sat in front of me, running her hands through her short and dark hair. 

"I hate you all."

~ o ~

"Bethy" I heard someone say alongside a poke at my side "Wake up, Bethy!" This time the poke came harder. Fuck that hurt! I jerked awake, and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"You better have a good reason for waking me up like that," I murmured, still half asleep. I looked over and saw that it was Jackson standing over me.

"We're here, Bethy" Jackson turned around and grabbed his bag and one of mine, as I got up. I grabbed a hold of the handle of my suitcase and we walked off the train. I breathed in the air, sigh Rome smells great.

Jackson and I walked over to where the rest of the group were trying to grab the attention of a cab.

"Is it just me or is this worse than Toronto?" Jasmine chimed in. I laughed.

"Maybe it's because there aren't any cabs in sight, Jazzy" Jasmine rolled her eyes at the nickname Dwayne was adamant on using for her.

"Whatever, Dwayne" Jasmine rolled her eyes. "If there're no cabs, then how're we supposed to get to the hotel."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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