chapter four ''Only dickheads do that''

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(A/N I don't mean anything by this chapter! I'm just writing a story for fun. So please don't take it to offence about Jason being a little jealous of Mickey. I know non of the boys are like this )

Jason Smith POV

I sounded really bitter and jealous of Mickey but I wasn't. I knew it wasn't Mickey's choice to get us more publicity but I don't want all this fame for OUR band just be for him, ''Do you not find it unfair like how Mickey was the one that was chosen? Like, We didn't even get chosen as a ''maybe'' for this whole fake date thing '' I ask Madison as I swing on one of the chairs in the office. 

''Not really. Do you really think they were going to pick us? '' Madison says,laughing a little as he was  looking at me, ''Plus, I wouldn't want to be the one to break her heart if she does fall for him. '' I wouldn't want to be the one doing that either but we weren't even chosen as a possiblity for this. It was just Mickey. Everything was Mickey. 

''I don't want to be the one either but we weren't even chosen as a possiblity to make this band bigger. They didn't even do a vote or talk to us about it '' I sigh. 

''This isn't Middle School, you don't just vote on things! This is the real business and whatever happens isn't our choice '' Madison replies. Madison was right. Why should I care? It will benefit on our future a little, I guess, ''Why do you want to be the one 'fake dating' Adrienne? '' 

''Of course not! I wouldn't do that to a girl. Only dickheads do that '' 

''Oh, so I am a dickhead then? huh? '' I hear Mickey say. Madison and I swing around on our chairs and faces him. I didn't even know he was there!, ''I'm only doing this for our career! It isn't even my choice ''

''I know, Mickey! I know that! I was just saying,um, I didn't mean it! ''I say, trying to defend myself. I don't want to fall out with Mickey over this.

''Shut up, Jason! ''Mickey says, rolling his eyes as he walks over, ''You know what? You are just jealous of me! '' Jealous of him? Really. 

''Guys, stop before you say something you'll regret. '' Madison says, trying to stop us from fighting, ''Mickey, tell him you didn't mean that. ''

''Believe me, I won't be regretting anything I say! ''I say, annoyed. I was annoyed! Why shouldn't I be? Does he really think he's better than everyone else just because he's going to be getting a little bit more attention. 

''I did mean it and he knows its true, isn't it? ''Mickey says, looking at me with the biggest smirk on his face, ''You both know it's true. ''

''UGH! YOU'RE SUCH A DICK! '' I scream at him.

''LESS I'M MORE LIKED AND PLUS I GET TO DATE A HOT CHICK UNLIKE YOU. '' Mickey screams back. I look over at Madison and he doesn't say anything. 

''You aren't dating her. '' I state, calmly, ''You won't even be dating her because it's all fake just like you. '' 

''Oh come on boys.. ''Madison whispers as he tries to come between us but I just ignored him so did Mickey. 

''I'm leaving. ''I stand up. I pick up my jacket from the back of the chair, ''Have fun on you fake dates with your date girlfriend with your fake personality because your just fake. You hear me? YOU'RE FAKE. '' I scream as I slam the door. 


Mickey POV

He's an idiot. 

''Mickey, that was uncalled for... '' Madison says, looking over at me. Uncalled for? I basically heard them saying shit about me behind my back? Why shouldn't I be annoyed.

''Madison, shut up. You hate the fact that I got chosen too so don't even start. '' I say, ''Fuck this! I'm away. '' I walk out the door and slams it after him. I look  in on Madison through the window and he just shakes his head at me, ''your such a fuck up, Mickey. ''I mutter to myself before walking out the door. 

The paparazzi were still outside so I walk out the door, ''MICKEY! OVER HERE! OVER HERE'' They scream as I walk out the door. They doubled since the last time I was out, ''SMILE FOR A FEW PICTURES! '' I stop outside the building and take a few photos for the cameras. This was my command by Troy and the management so why shouldn't I?

''So who are you? Where did you come from? ''One of the men says, looking at me. I look up at him,''Hey, I know you! Your the little kid with the abbs'' I laugh a little at what he says.  American Best Dance Crew was probably the best thing that ever happened to me, I miss it and I miss them... 

''Yeah, that's me. ''I say,chuckling. 

I was in the middle of an interview with the guy until I look over and notice Jason. He was sitting on the wall across the studio. He just shook his head at me before jumping off and walking away. I ignore him and go back to the interview. I felt bad but why should I have to say sorry?

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