chapter three ; ''You just don't understand me and you never will''

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Adrienne Black POV+ 

I was about to walk outside the door whenever I noticed about a dozen paparazzi waiting outside the building, ''Oh no ''I mutter as I turn back around. I bang into the boy from the dressing room, Mickey, ''Oh sorry, I was just- '' I begin but he interrupts me.

''It's fine, don't worry about it''He says,flashing a nice smile. I have to admit, he did have a nice smile, ''Are you not leaving now? ''

''Are you trying to get rid of me that quick?'' I smirk, ''And yes, that's what I thought too but those stupid paparazzi won't leave. I'll have to wait till Troy gets here so he can get me someone to walk out with. ''

''Oh paparazzi ? ''Mickey raises a eyebrow at me. I nod. He walks over to the window and looks at them before walking back to me, ''Sure, I can walk you out. '' He offers. 

''I don't walk out with strangers. ''I state. I couldn't think of anything better to reject his offer. 

''So you know those strange big guys personal that take you everywhere you go? ''He smirks as he looks at me, ''I mean, Troy is at a meeting so you could wait here for an hour or you could easily get out the door and into your manager's car. Your choice. ''

I smirk at Mickey. He was very witty like myself, ''Do I really have a choice? ''I fold my arms as I look at him, ''I mean, you aren't as to being build,well, you aren't really build at all like those 'those strange big guys' but I guess you will do for now ''

''You don't have a choice. ''He simply says, ''Are you saying I'm weak? ''

''Yeah, yeah I am. '' I smirk.

''That wasn't what your mom was saying last night. '' Typical comeback for a typical boy. I roll my eyes and picks up my handbag, ''No comment back? Just what I thought. '' He smirks. 

''Your just a typical boy aren't you? I mean, that comeback.. I heard it about a thousand times and never did it once make me laugh. ''

''Whatever. '' He picks puts up his hood of his jacket, ''Shall we be going? '' I don't even answer him. I just walk out the door and he follows beside me, ''Why are you bothered by this? They are just taking pictures. ''

''They invade my privacy without my consent and publish them on a magazine and I don't even get paid or choice to say yes or no? Don't you think that's just rude. '' 

''Big words. '' Seriously he's so typical, ''They're rude and your not? '' I stop outside Sarah's car and turns to him.

''I'm not rude! ''I state as I open the car door, ''You just don't understand me and you never will. ''

''OK, whatever you say''He grins as he rolls his eyes. I was about to step foot into the car but he stops me, ''Hey! Do I not at less get a hug before you leave? I basically just saved you from paparazzi'' He offers out his hands and I give him a hug. I may aswell since I didn't want to make him look any stupider than he already was. 

''You didn't save me. You just put me through more pain listening to you babbling on '' I pull away from the hug, ''Bye M.. whatever. ''I step foot into the care. I knew what his name was but I just wanted to annoy him

''MICKEY! ''He shouts. I just smirk and ignore him


Mickey's POV 

Seriously. Third time. Why does she keep forgetting my name? It was so annoying! She was so annoying! I can't believe I have put up with her. 

''EXCUSE ME, SIR! '' One of the papazzi shout, ''What's your name? '' I show a small smile and looks at them. A massive flash just goes off in my face without me even knowing. I rub my eyes to try and rub the flash away. ( a/n that makes no sense but anyway) 

''Er, Mickey, '' I mutter as I begin to walk inside. More cameras start flashing as I step inside. 

''MICKEY! COME BACK OUTSIDE! '' They all scream for me to come back outside but I ignore them.  I look up and notice Jason walking over.

''Wow, they must love you. ''He says,showing a small smile. He didn't sound that impressed, '''Congratluations. '' 

''They don't want me, they just want to know who I am for one of their stupid stories. '' I say, rolling my eyes, ''Plus, it's only paparazzi. We'll be getting it in no time for us! It'll be fun '' I smile as I look up at him. He still didn't look impress.

''Yeah, 'we' will. '' He doesn't even let me reply before he walks away. What is his problem? I didn't even do anything yet. 

''WELL DONE, MICKEY BOY!'' I hear Dave's voice shout from behind. I turn around and he brings me into a massie hug, '' YOUR FANBASE WILL BE GOING CRAZY IN NO TIME. '' His shouting was starting to hurt my ears. Correction ; his voice was starting to annoy my ears 

''OK. '' I simply say as I push away from his hug, ''I better go now. I need to meet the boys '' I turn around and walks away. I wonder where did Jason go.

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