34- Define Us

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The walk back to the restaurant is basically silent. Neither of knew what to say about what happened earlier. Did he regret it even happened or did it even happen in the first place? Who really knows, I could be dreaming up this whole situation. 

Minutes later we arrive back to Tyler and Clara, this time with a charged phone. "What took you guys so long?" Tyler asks, not so slyly hiding a smile. Does he already know? "Her phone was flat" Josh replies plainly. 

I look down and sigh. I mean I didn't want him to straight up tell them, but he seems upset about something. His sad puppy dog eyes just make me want to squeeze the life out of him, not literally. That'd be bad and I'd have a swarm of angry fans on my hands, wouldn't want that.

"So the concert!" Tyler blurts out, ending what awkward silence that was building slowly. "You guys are still coming?" He asks excitedly. I nod. "I might not be able to make it" Clara admits. I look down, this was a thing we were going to do together. I was going to get over my fear of large crowds and we were going to see them live for the first time. Loose our TØP concert virginity together. As weird as that sounds... 

"Come on, take the day off. Spend the weekend with us. It'll be fun" Tyler starts, basically begging Clara to come. The weekend? What do they have planned that we don't know about yet? I look at Josh confused at Tyler's last statement. He shrugs his shoulders, seeming as confused as I was.

"Fine but you owe me Joseph" She laughs lightly. I guess that's another step closer to fixing our friendship. "How about a date to make up for it then?" Tyler whispers, barely audible. Aww, someones embarrassed, of a possible crush? "You're asking me on a date?" Clara questions, her face showing confusion with a hint of embarrassment as well. 

I start to ignore Clara and Tyler being all cute and gross and turn back to Josh who is scrolling through his phone randomly. There's definitely something up with him. 'Are you okay?' I text simply, trying not to raise suspicion from the rest of the group who are planning where and when to go out alone. I wouldn't be surprised if in a few days they were together. 

Josh looks up from his phone when he sees the notification. He forces a half smiles and goes to respond. 'Just tired, jet lag has finally caught up with me' He replies eventually. That's entirely possible but I still feel like he's hiding something. I just don't know how to get it out of him.

Around half an hour later of more tour stories, Tyler decides it's time to head off. "Josh, I'll meet you at the hotel, I want to make sure Clara gets home safely" Such a gentleman. How are they already becoming couple goals when they're not even together yet? They are pretty cute though.

The walk back to my apartment is silent, as all of them are. Josh doesn't try to throw in a random pun or terrible joke to make me laugh. We both walk silently looking down at our feet. Why has everything suddenly became so awkward between us? Well other than the obvious one. 

I trudge my way up my stairs, dropping everything unneeded on the way up. Hopefully, so Josh wouldn't trip on them. The energy has been drained out of my body. Today was been weirdly eventful and it's only 2 o'clock. 

I plop down onto my bed face first and Josh sits quietly beside me. "Josh" I half manage to mumble with my face in a pillow. "You saying my name will never get old even if your face is stuffed with a pillow" Josh laughs, pulling me into his lap. I guess it was technically the first thing I ever said to him. Or said in general for a while. 

"I like this" Josh eventually speaks before pressing his lips to my forehead. I nod, I do too. It's relaxing but at the same time butterflies are exploding in my stomach. "I want to stay like this forever" He adds quietly. "I don't t-think Tyler would be so happy with me" I reply softly. The sound of my voice still shocks me. It's weird but something I'll hopefully get used to. "I don't think he has a choice in this" Josh smiles, bringing my attention to his face. 

"I like your eyes" Josh announces, him looking straight into them. I blush and look away. Eye contact is always a weird thing with me. There's a fine line between being creepy and being cute. Josh knows where it's at. 

"What is this?" Josh asks, him still focusing on every feature on my face. I shrug my shoulders. I don't exactly know what he wants this to be. I don't want to scare him or move too quickly for his liking. As if he was basically reading my mind (as usual) he speaks up. "Penelope, I don't remember your last name. Will you be my girlfriend?" Josh asks, laughing at the fact that he doesn't know my full name. "Joshua William Dun, I will" I hide my smile and embarrassment.

The smile on Josh's face contrasts with his mood earlier in the day. Do I really make him that happy? I look at him confused. "You're mine, after months you are finally mine" Josh whispers before placing his lips on mine. I can't help but smile and ruin the kiss. 

Minutes pass without either of us talking. The silence is broken by Josh's phone, again must I add. I'm guessing it's Tyler. He really likes to ruin the moment. His timing is the worst. But then if Tyler never came into the music store that day, or went to another one, none of this would even be happening. Tyler's not getting all the credit for this. I want at least some of it. We now have to share Josh

I wonder how well that will end.

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