6- Second Date?

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The next morning I wake at a more normal time in the morning. I slowly open my eyes and smile, remembering the events of last night. I still have no idea how that could even happen. It all seems too real to be true, just as a dream.

But after scrolling through my notifications I realise it's not and that I forgot to answer Josh last night. Oops. I send him a quick reply, apologising for not replying earlier and thanking him for the night, without sounding too cliché and boring.

Not long after I get a response back. "No problem, it was fun. We have another day before we leave and Tyler is off doing stuff, you wanna hang?" It reads. I smile brightly and head into the kitchen to make breakfast, but not before turning on some music.
Music always comes first.

Of course, I agree to spend time with Josh. I mean who wouldn't? He continues to text me as I fry eggs. A very boring breakfast for a probably not so boring day. By the time two eggs are cooked perfectly, one being in the bin from being burnt, we've decided that we'd just hang out at a park for the day so we could get to know each other better.

We agreed for him to meet me here as he doesn't really know his way around this part of L.A that well. I decided I didn't want a bunch of angry fans complaining about me losing Josh or letting him get lost.

Once the eggs are in my stomach and starting to be disgusted, I head upstairs to get ready for the day. I decide it's probably best not to wear one of their band shirts as that might seem weird. So I decide on something more nerdy and cool. Which for me obviously means wearing a high waisted skirt, blouse, bow tie and a trench coat. Not a Cas type, more a mix between Sherlock and Captain Jack Harkness since the weather has been slightly cold lately.

Half an hour or so later, I hear a light knock over the sound of me blasting Death of a Bachelor. I quickly run downstairs and turn the music down a touch. I wouldn't want to deafen Josh with the loud beautiful sound of Panic!

"Hey Pen" Josh greets as soon as I open the door. I smile awkwardly and let him into my apartment. "Nice taste in music" He comments as the song changes from L.A Devotee to Golden Days. Again I smile and grab my phone and notepad, the only things I really need to survive a day out of the house. Oh well and headphones.

"Shall we go?" Josh asks after seeing that I've got everything needed. I nod and switch off my music.

I nod and he links arms with me. "To the park" He adds before closing my door behind him.

Bring on today's adventure.

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