12 - Bored

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Yesterday was an enjoyable day but somehow left you extremely tired the next. Other than that, you were eager to do something else. The guys were sitting on the couch watching TV while you sat in the kitchen, on your phone, waiting for something to happen. Being around the guys was pretty hectic, but enjoyable. It wasn't like being with your parents, all they did was ask you to help around the house, but being with your new friends/roomies, adventures and interesting things happened! So, patiently, you waited. And waited...

And waited...



*muffled tv sounds in the background*


'Who am I kidding, nothing's gonna happen.' You thought harshly to yourself, standing up to grab a glass of water. "Hey, (Y/N)." You heard a voice, sounding like Edd, say from behind. "Mm-Hm?" You ask, chugging down your water faster than usual, only to see Edd poking his head into the kitchen doorway. "Mind helping me with something?" He asks, shifting his eyes, making sure nobody heard. "Sure?" You answered, concerned as to what he was planning. Grabbing your wrist as you swiftly placed your empty glass on the counter, he pulled you up the stairs and into the laundry room. "Edd wha-" You started, before being interrupted by the laundry door shutting. "What do you need help with?" You asked, folding your arms. "The laundry." Edd responded, pointing to a massive pile of clothes, some in a white basket and some scattered around on the floor. You raised an eyebrow. "What?" You ask, a little confused. "I need you to help me fold these clothes." He said. "Why?" You smirked a little at yourself, aware of how annoying you were being. "Because, it'll get the job done faster." He gave out. "Why couldn't Tom or Matt help you?" You objected. Edd held up three fingers, and with every second he put one down, until the last. Putting his last finger down, a slam echoed throughout the house. You look at him with a questionable expression, suggesting him to explain the point of what he just did. "That was Tom and Matt, they just left the house to go out shopping. Today, we're doing the laundry." He pointed to the pile of clothes. You sigh, "Fine." You smiled, giving in.

The two of you sat down and arranged some of the clothes into separate piles, one for you, one for Edd, one for Tom and one for Matt. There was another pile for towels and cloths. After folding up your clothes and Edd, his, you asked what to do next. "Well, we usually split the jobs up so, how about you do Matt's pile and I'll do Tom's and the other one." Edd suggested. "What?! Why do I h-have to do Matt's?" You shriek. "Why, you have a problem with it?" Edd smirked, but at the same time, giving you a look you couldn't argue with. You hesitate, letting out a deep breath and accepting your chore.

And of course the first thing you pull out is a pair of Matt's underwear.

You shriek, face glowing red. "What's the matter?" Edd softly chuckled under his breath. "N-Nothing!" You stutter, refusing to become soft. "Oh come on (Y/N)..." Edd started, rolling his eyes.

"Admit it..." He smirked, giving you a dirty look.

"A-Admit what?" You stutter again, narrowing you eyes.

"You like him." Edd hissed, his words ringing through your ears, refusing to process through your head.

"Excuse me what?" You mutter, questionably. "You. Like. Matt!" He said, expanding his words as if he was talking to alien life that didn't understand English. "WHaT!? You must be out of your mind! I don't!" You whine. "Oh yeah, then how come your face is redder than the YouTube logo?" He smirks. "Um, I dunno, maybe because, one, you're putting me under pressure and two, I just saw his flippen undies!?" You bark. Edd backs up a little, knowing you were tense. You sigh guiltily. "Sorry." You say. "For what?" He asks. "For getting mad." You cowered. Edd chuckles a little. "Its fine, I should be the sorry one, honestly." He smiled. You smile back, holding out your hand. "Let's make an agreement that we never had this conversation, ok?" You proposed. Edd nodded, shaking your hand. "But, you do like him, right?" He cheekily asked, smirking. "EDD!?" You shriek, face lighting up red and receiving a chuckle out of him.

- Time skip mah boiss ( sorry I'm a goof ) -

Finally, the laundry was complete, but your revenge on Edd wasn't. You swore to yourself you'd get him one day, but today, you were as lazy as a tanning seal on a hot summers day...pretty lazy. You were about to head up to the attic when the front door flew open, your eyes immediately darting to who came in, only to see Tom and Matt with bags of, you were guessing, groceries and crap. "We're HOME!~" Matt sang, heading into the kitchen with Tom. You followed them, since you had nothing else better to do.

Pulling out things from the bags and putting them into the cupboards, Tom basically did it on his own, Matt was just blankly staring at his reflection of a mirror he seemed to carry around a lot. You sat down beside him, catching his attention as he slipped the mirror into the pocket of his green overcoat. "Oh, heya (Y/N)!" He said, joyful as usual. "Hey Matt." You smiled at him, hearing Edd giggle softly behind you as he entered into the kitchen. You turned around and glared at him, vexed. Matt giggled slightly, completely clueless as to why you were so furious but amused at the same time. You stopped glaring at Edd as soon as you heard Matt laugh, turning your head around with a flustered and surprised look on your face, causing him to smile even more.

"So, Tom, what do you have planned for dinner?" Edd asked. "What? I thought you were the one planning dinner!" Tom blurted, a long pause of silence filling the room. "Well, what now?" Edd moaned, sitting down. "We could order pizza?" Tom suggested, sitting down as well. "Ehk, no, we have had pizza for five nights straight." Edd groaned. A long silence of thinking filled the room until, Matt spoke up. "Hey! Why don't me and (Y/N) cook something?" He spoke. "What? You want me to cook?" You stammered. "Yeah!" Edd said, with pure delight. You refuse for a second, only to see Matt's face...the face you couldn't argue with. Swallowing down your words, you nod. "Fine." You give in, looking down in shame. "YAY!" Matt cheers, pulling you into a hug. Tom and Edd smile. "Well so be it, (Y/N) and Matt are cooking dinner. I'll be in my room if you need me." Tom informs them, exiting the room. "If you need anything just call ok?" Edd says, leaving behind Tom. You and Matt nod.

"Now what?" You mutter to yourself.

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