4 - Arrangements

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Bold = Autho- Eh, you get the point.

As you stare out the window for what seemed like years, you felt a hand tap on your thigh. Startled, you turn to see, yet again, Matt. With the same look as before. "Um, do you uh, have to go." He whimpered, tapping his index fingers together nervously. Right then, you felt a deep pain in your chest as your heart shattered into a million pieces then melt. You tried to get the words out but they failed to escape your mouth. You felt bad that you had to leave, and the pressure of him staring at you made you wanna stay. "U-uh, y-yeah, my parents'll be mad if I don't." You muttered, watching his gleeful smile droop down in great disappointment. "But, I could arrange to stay over tomorrow night?" You slightly hesitated. You barely knew the three, but you knew you'd be great friends with them. Their personalities were unique and you felt comfortable around them. So what better way to get to know them than a sleepover!

Dropping you off at the diner, Edd shook your hand once again. "Seeya, (Y/N), take care." He bid farewell. "Thanks Edd, oh and, are you busy tomorrow night. I was thinking of maybe coming over for the night to, ya know, get to know you guys a little more?" You asked. "Sure, I'm sure Tom and Matt wouldn't mind either." He responded. "Thanks. And here's my phone number." You said writing your digits on a slip of paper that came out of nowhere. You looked him in the eyes, not sure if you wanted to hug him yet but wanting to at the same time. The wanting to be hug turned into a fist bump and a wave goodbye. Matt on the other hand, had no problem squeezing the living daylights outta you. "Thank you-Thank you-THANK YOU for helping me yesterday (Y/N)! And I'm sooo super dooper sorry about yesterday!!!" He cried, letting you go. He squeezed you but somehow, it didn't hurt. "It's ok Matt-" you cut yourself off, seeing huge tears swell up in his eyes. "Woah, woah Matt it's ok, I'm coming back tomorrow! Don't cry." He stopped crying as you wrapped your arms around his neck and squeezed him back. He smiled hugging you back, but this time...


Grabbing your phone off the people in the diner, you thought about everything you should pack for tomorrow. You head out the door walking back home, seeing the clouds form together and create the usual gloomy weather that you didn't seem to mind.

You walked through the front door of your house only to be greeted by silence. "Mum? Dad!?" You called, awaiting a response. "(Y/N)? You're home?" Your dad asked, walking out of the kitchen. "Yup, I'm home." You responded. "Good, we were worried." Your mum fretted, walking in.  "Hey mum." You said, hugging her. "Hey (Y/N)-...wait. What's this smell?" She asked curiously. "Um I dunno, what's it smell like?" You worried. "Cologne?" Your dad questioned. "Oh yeah, I met some new friends-" you got cut off by your mum. "Friends?! You have friends now!?" You were shocked at how surprised she was at you getting friends. "Honey, we're so proud of you!" You dad said, embracing you in his arms. "But, we think it's time for you to you know.." He started. "Leave the nest maybe?" He finished. "W-What?" You stuttered, not sure if you were ready for the world. "Yep, we were looking for places for you earlier." Your mum stated. "Oh ok." And yet again, your heart broke into a million pieces.

( so, it's time for you to leave the nest, what'll happen next!? I did not mean for that to rhyme...SEEYA!)

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