8 - The Question

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Bold = ...there's no point in writing this key so imma stop

It was getting pretty late and you promised your parents you'd be home by 8:00pm. It was now 6:30pm and the guys were on the couch eating pizza. You were sitting on the floor since sitting next to Matt wasn't the best idea currently. Things were a little awkward between you two now.

As they all watching TV, you went over your thoughts, remembering that you had to go on a hunt for houses tomorrow. Then, an idea popped into your head. You knew Edd and his friends pretty well now, so well it felt like you've known each other for years. Their house was quite big with extra spaces for someone else practically everywhere. The Thoth of living with these three awesome friends filled your stomach with butterflies, you were that excited.

But what if they disagreed?
What if your parents disagreed?
What if it was a mistake?

You shook these negative thoughts out of your head, determined to wing it anyway. You check the time on your phone, 7:15pm it read. "Hey guys, I better start heading home." You say, standing up. Edd stood up, stretching his back. "Is it really 7 already!?" He questioned, rubbing his eyes. You frowned and nodded. "Cmon." He sighed, walking into the garage, you following him. "Uh, CAN I COME TOO!?" Matt asked, like his quirky self. "Sure." Edd yelled from the garage, making you laugh a little. Tom sighed, "I guess I'll watch the house then."

And yet again, you sat in the back with Matt. "Did you enjoy your time with us?" Edd asked, driving. "Mhm! Very much!" You nod enthusiastically. Matt smiles. "Can you come again!?" He asks, happily. You smile, "Yeah I guess I can. Hey Edd, I think I'll need a little help tomorrow, ya see I'm moving out-" "YOU CAN MOVE IN WITH US!" Edd and Matt screech in unison. You start laughing at the two Dorks. "You really want me to move in?" You ask. "YES!" Matt says, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing you once again. You didn't mind when he did it now, in fact you liked it. Edd adjusted his mirror and smiled, seeing what you two were doing.

- Le time skeep -

"Seeya (Y/N)!" Edd waved, dragging Matt back to the car. "BYE BYE!" Matt waved his hands like he was a helicopter about to take off. You faved back giggling. Man you loved those guys.

"Mum, Dad! I'm home." You screech like a pterodactyl. "In here!" You hear a male voice yell from the office, so you decide to follow it. "Hey dad." You say, seeing your father at the computer laid out on his desk. "Hey honey." He smiled. "What're you doing?" You raise an eyebrow. "Just looking at your new home!" He exclaims excitedly. "Oh yeah, about that. I already found one." You inform him. "Really?" He seemed to be really surprised. "Wow, those friends of yours must have a really good influence on you! You haven't been your usual self but instead actually doing things!" He explains. "Huh, ok, where's mum?" You ask. "Out getting dinner." He responded bluntly, turning his attention back to the computer. "What's for dinner?" You ask, about to walk away. "Pizza." He responds, once again. "YES!" You screech happily.

(Yep this one was crap too...)

(Eddsworld) | Matt x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang