2 - Meeting Them Again

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Bold = Authors note

Your house wasn't too far from the shopping centre, but you decided to take another turn, knowing that not that far away was a small town that had one of your favourite places to go. It was a small bar/diner but it felt comforting there, especially the people, they were oddly the friendliest people you've met and they always looked after the place on Sunday afternoons, and today happened to be a Sunday afternoon.

Walking in, you saw that the place was nearly deserted from people and out of all the tables, the people that actually came, took your favourite seating area out of all of the other selections. You sighed to yourself, hoping that one day you would overcome this annoyance and sat at the bar. You haven't sat at the bar in ages, or talk to the people who sat around there, they didn't seem appealing to talk to anyway.

After scrolling through social medias on your phone you felt a pair of eyes pierce into the back of your head, and heard chairs shuffle behind you, along with someone complaining. You turned to see one of the blokes from the shops earlier, the one with no eyes..or did he just have black eyes? You decided not to question it and see if the others were around. As you expected, the tall ginger from earlier and the to be said cola lover sat in a seat towards the back wall as the alcoholic ordered a drink right beside to you. You turned back around to quit staring but unmeaningly, eavesdropped on the convo between the lads behind you.

"Awe, but Edd, I wanna go home!" The familiar voice belonging to the ginger whined. "I'm sorry Matt, but we made a deal with Tom that we'd come here after shopping for YOUR mirror!" Assuming 'Edd' replied. "Huh, so his name's Matt.." you whisper-mumbled to yourself, gathering information about the interesting trio. You turned to the man in the blue hoodie next to you and caught him staring you as if he'd seen you somewhere. You sat there awkwardly, not sure of what do to so you just stared back. "Hey, you're that girl that helped Matt." He slightly slurred on his words, assuming he was a little drunk. "Uh yeah." You said hesitantly. 'Tom' gathered his dignity and attempted to put his drunk-ness aside and talk formally to you. "Thanks for doing that. You have no idea how much he appreciated it." He said, taking another swig out of the bottle sat in front of him. "Really?" You said, packing your phone away into your pocket and scratching your neck with a concerned expression laid upon your face. "I sure didn't, it was quite nice having him not around, he can get really annoying." He chuckled, you laughed along, turning around to see Matt bored at the table he sat at and taking...selfies?

"Yeah, maybe you should take him, you seem to deal with him better than me." Tom added. "You think that would end out well?" You muttered, jokingly. Tom laughed, holding his hand out for you to shake. "The name's Tom." He said, waiting for you to shake his hand. "(Y/n)." You said, finally grasping on to his surprisingly big hand compared to yours. "I should introduce you to the others." Tom insisted. "Oh no, you guys seem to be really busy." You said, obviously as an excuse. "We really aren't." Tom said, still waiting for you to join them. You hesitated, but gave in eventually and hopped down off of the barstool.

Matt's eyes immediately darted into your direction as he saw a strand of your (h/c) hair flicker in the light. He surprisingly found you entertaining and fun to hang around, also he didn't get to fully thank you for your act of kindness.

As soon as you were about to sit down, Matt shot up out of his seat and marched across that one meter space between you and him, and squeezed the living daylights out of you, until you could barely breath. You looked down at his two friends trying to stop him. All this pressure and lack of blood, (also including too much social interaction), caused your vision to start to blur and so did your hearing. "Matt. Put. Me. Down." You wheezed. Out of pure excitement, Matt dropped you and you landed face first onto the wooden floor, passed out. "Oh. Oops." Matt squeaked, realising his mistake.

The boys placed you onto a chair and waited for you to wake up, not wanting to be accused of murder. (TBH that'd be funny, someone died from being hugged to much.) Hour after hour, it was finally 7 o'clock, and the trio had no choice but to go home, but they couldn't leave you there. So off your unconscious body went with them to their house!

(Eddsworld) | Matt x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя