He paced angrily away, up to his younger brother Thomas. "Make sure he doesn't eat until he as completed today's training, cut his free time to half as well. I want him strong and ready to..."

"William." Thomas cut him off, something William was completely unused too.

"What?!" He demanded. Thomas didn't answer verbally, he just looked towards you. When William turned his head to follow his brothers gaze he realised you'd collapsed, unable to get up from the strain of throwing the sword around all day. William looked at you with an expression of guilt plastered over his face, realising he'd pushed you too far. He came towards you, grabbed your arm to help pull you to your feet. You physically flinched from his touch, terrified of him in his angry state.

Looking back, you realised things changed between you and your father. He tried to be nicer to you, tried to win back the love and admiration you'd once held for him. But fear was a powerful force, you pushed yourself away from him at every chance. In the years to come he would occasionally snap, reverting back to his old angry self. You had put on bulk up by then, grown in both height and in the shoulders. You were physically three times as strong as you'd been as a child, as well as growing more and more adept with the blade.

You no longer feared him, but you did hate him. The two of you would awkwardly sit in silence for long periods at a time, he would desperately think of something to say and you'd push him away with one word answers. You didn't know how you felt about him anymore, part of you still held a great anger towards him, yet another part wanted to mourn. You looked to the sky, seeing it was now red at sunset.

You lifted your hand up to touch the clouds, your hands gently passed through it. Satan noticed, somehow realising your strange mood. He moved his body up above the clouds, leaving you with and undisturbed few of the sky. Smiling, you pushed aside all thoughts of your parents, or of you injuries. Because right now, all was right with the world.

Satan gave a loud roar, announcing his presence. It was the kind of roar that stated that he was still king, you grinned at him. Yeah, you'd both been beaten and bloodied, but you were never going to lose. There was land up ahead, despite his much you wanted to stay in the skies, you knew Satan had to land soon.

"Down there boy, we'll make camp and you can rest up for the night." The dragon wasted no time in heading for solid ground, you could feel the tension in his body. The muscles wanted to give, to stop and just drop. But while you were above water, that meant death. Satan was made from stronger stuff though, he managed to get to dry land. The dragon crashed to the Earth, panting from his hard ride.

All ready it was night, but with both of you wounded you knew predators would be attracted to the smell of blood. You quickly gathered some sticks, any you could find and built a campfire. Satan lifted his head and was barely able to light it, but he managed. As then fire lighted and produced the bright light, a group of whispering deaths darted for the rocks. You drew your sword as you rose, your arms no longer able to hold your shield. You knew the whispering deaths had insatiable appetites, that they'd do anything to feed.

This was going to be a long night...

You had a dozen campfires built around Satan, partly to keep him warm but mostly to keep the whispering deaths at bay. You could see the shapes and hear the noises of other dragons who hid just beyond the fire light, you lifted up your shield with both arms and used the metal to reflect light. It showed the eye shine of dragons, whispering deaths red eyeshine, a Hiddioues Zipplebacks yellow eye shine. You could hear one or two deadly Nadders in the background somewhere close by, if they came closer they'd turn green. But of course the worse possible situation could be the infamous screaming death you'd heard of, a huge albino that was unable to be defeated by the riders.

For Honour - How to Train Your Dragon (Astrid x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now