hamilton college au | jeffmads

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Thomas groaned as he slammed a pillow on his head, trying to block out the loud party noises coming from outside of his and James Madison's dorm room.

Jefferson cursed in French under his breath and got up, his usually fabulous and poise hair is just a lion mane and his entire body just completely sore.

He heard James sniffing from the other side of the room; he's apparently pulling out an all-nighter to finish this project, Thomas was initially against it as James, as is, already had poor health and needed to rest, but no, the man is determined.

"Want some tissues to blow out that clogged nose?" asked Thomas, laying down again and staring at the ceiling.

"I'm fine." answered James' low and scruffy voice.

"If you say so."

James continued to cough, Thomas scrunched his nose. Detangling himself from his blanket, Thomas got up and sat at the edge of James' bed.

James didn't even look up from his laptop, Thomas said, "I'm going to make you tea."

"I'm okay, Thomas."

"I'm making you tea."

James looked at the scruffy haired male, "Thomas."

"Tea, James, you need tea."

Madison rolled his eyes at him and smiled, "At least make one for yourself too."

Thomas snorted, "Of course I am."

James suddenly groaned and closed his laptop, setting it on his small bedside table, which was already full of medication and a water bottle, "God, I hate Lafayette's parties, it's always so loud."

"Well my friend," said Thomas, getting up, "You hate parties in general."

James buried his face into his pillow, "I know." came out his muffled response.

"I'm heading out and getting tea, anything else you want?" asked Thomas, shrugging on his school jersey.

"I'm fine, thanks Thomas." smiled James, Thomas' eyes widened, since when did Madison become cute?

"Ugeh, umm," Thomas babbled, he clamped a hand over his mouth then mumbled a bye and rushed out the dorm leaving James half-laughing and coughing.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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