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"Alexander?" slurred a sleepy and probably drunk John Laurens, resting his chin on Alex's shoulder.

"Oh, you're finally awake," Alex said, putting down his pen and taking off his glasses, "I had to drag you up here since you were drunk as hell back at Laf's party."

John hiccuped which made Alex laugh, "Come on, sleep this one out." Alex wrapped his arm around John's waist and the two waddled over to the drunk boy's bed.

Alex tucked John in bed, "There you go," yawned the exhausted male, "Go to sleep now."

John stared at him silently, which made Alexander suddenly self-concious of his groggy appearance.

"You have like," slurred John, "Really pretty eyes."

"Well thank you." smiled Alexander.

"No, like," John continued, "It's like, your eyes is just the sky when it's twilight."

Alexander kissed John's lips, which he kind of regretted as the intoxicated male's lips tasted of Lafayette's horrible cheap wine he had brought from France.

John smiled against Alexander's lips and then mumbled out a very soft 'goodnight'.

"Sweet dreams, John." smiled the law student, giving John's head a soft pat.

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