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Chaeyoung POV
"Wait for me here okay?" I said to Mina as I need to find someone to borrow their phone to make some call. Luckily, there was a kind ahjussi who was helping me. He borrowed his phone and I successfully made a call.

"Kamsahamnida" I bowed to the ahjussi and he left.

I ran to Mina, afraid that she might be waiting for me for too long. From my view, Mina looks really beautiful. I wonder why her ex dumped and cheated on her. Her ex must be an idiot for letting her go just like that.

"Mina ssi" I called Mina from afar.

"How is it?" she asked as I approached her closer

"Hmm I called the 24/7 road assistant already, I'm sure they will come anytime soon and now, we'll catch some bus" she nodded and smiled. I like seeing a girl with pretty eye smiles. It really fluttered me.

"Need a hand?" I asked as I saw her trying to stand up and she grabbed my hand instantly and finally managed to stand up.

"Gomawoyo oppa" Mina said. 'Did she just called me oppa?' I said to myself. We only spent a night together? Did she feel comfortable with me already? I just smiled to her in return, not letting her know that I was actually blushing when she called me oppa.

Just few minutes later, the road assistant came to get my car towed. After that, me and Mina took a bus ride. In the bus, we sat at the back row next to the window. I heard her tummy was growling, not so loud but definitely I could hear it. She buried her face with her palms. HAHA. She must be embarrassed.

"Hehe you're hungry? let's go eat something before we go home yeah?" Mina nodded, she was still embarrassed but I find her cute when she was shy.

Mina POV
Ouuhh that's embarrassing!!! definitely every tummy cannot lie when feeling hungry. Sheez. Seconds later, we finally arrived at a bus stop.

"I'm starving!!" I said

I didn't wait for him and began to make my way to the first restaurant I saw. I didn't care. I just needed food. As we reached, we ordered food. Luckily, it was served so fast. Before we started eating, Chaeyoung asked for my phone to charge as he was going to charge his phone too. How could he remember doing that? I was totally forgot about my phone battery was dead

"You don't mind eating in front of me?" Chaeyoung said as we ate

"Why would I be?" I asked before putting another spoonful of food

"That's a first. I hate going on dates because all the girls just seem so uncomfortable eating in front of me. Once, one of them ordered spaghetti and didn't even touch it because she was too embarrassed to get dirty. Like I'm going to judge someone for eating" Chaeyoung explained

I stared at him for a moment. Chaeyoung was a really handsome guy. It didn't take a genius to understand why girls would be embarrassed to eat in front of him.

"Well you're not ugly, oppa" I said. WHAT? did I say he's not ugly? What the hell Mina?

"Are you telling me that I'm cute?" he smirked

'Oh if only he could read my mind' I said to myself

I rolled my eyes at him. "Don't flatter yourself. You're not handsome enough to keep me from eating in front of you" I teased him, laughing as his face fell in disbelief. Again, his dimple! OMG

Silently Falling (Michaeng) ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя