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Peter's POV.
I watched Lyric and Evan go back to camp. "You two have a child now?" Henry asked. "Yeah. He acts just like her." I said. "So grandson what are you here to tell me? Don't tell me my son has gone crazy again?" I said jokingly.
"No. The town is in trouble. We don't know what it is."
"Why have you come to me?"
He looked at me. "I think you know why." he said. "Lyric?" I said looking down. "Her shadows can show is who is terrorizing our town." Henry said. "I can't step foot in Storybrook again. Everybody in that town will have my fucking head." I said. "I'll protect you. You may have ripped out my heart but, dammit you and Lyric are family. You used my heart to find the love of your life, the least you can do is pay back. Besides you said you owed me. you said you would do whatever I wanted and now I want my town saved. You and Lyric are the only people who can." Henry said. He was right. I did owe him. "Alright. I'll tell Lyric and well be in Storybrook by morning." I said. "Thanks grandpa." Henry said. "You're welcome." I said and patted him on the back.

I walked to back to my treehouse with this plan on my mind. I walk in to see Evan asleep while lyric was looking at a spell book. "Whatcha reading love?" I asked. "Just some voodoo spells to protect the people I love." she said. I sat behind her. "So what did Henry have to say to you?" Lyric asked. "He needs our help." I said. She looked up and said nothing. "So I will have to put these spells to good use." she said. "Yeah." I said and kissed her temple. "We leave tonight at midnight. I'll tell the boys and we are bringing Evan with us." I said and walked out.

"Boys gather around!" I yelled. They all came around. "So. Lyric, Evan and I are going to be gone for a while. I'm putting Felix in charge. Don't know how long I'll be gone. The rules don't change" I said and walked off.

I walked back in my and Lyrics treehouse, to see Lyric magically packing some stuff. "I'm bringing Evan clothes and toothbrush. We'll also need clothes too, even though we are magical beings we need clothes." She said. I smiled and kissed her cheek. "You're so damn cute." I said.

I look at Evan and smile. I walk over to him. "Hey Evan." I said. He woke up. "Hi daddy." he said. "Is it morning already?" he asked. "No buddy. We are going on vacation. You don't have to get dressed or anything, I'm just letting you know." I said. "Okay daddy." he said and fell back asleep.

"Okay. How are we going to get to Storybrook?" Lyric asked. I pulled out a bean and threw it on the ground. It opened. "Jump." I said and she did. I look at Evan. "Follow mommy." I told him. He jumped too. Then it was me. I fell and saw Evan in Lyrics arms. I look around and see we ended up on the beach of Storybrook. I smiled. I look at Evan and got down to his height. "Welcome to Storybrook buddy." I said.

A/N: I finally updated!!

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