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Me and Peter talked for hours. He told me about him being the mayors son. I told him how I came into this world with out a trace. He smiled and looked at the clock on the wall. "Well, Lyric I have to go." Peter said. "Yeah. I gotta get my stuff out of my truck and find a place to stay." I said. "You can stay here in one of the rooms upstairs." Granny said. "Thank you. No one has done something like this for me." I said. "I'll pay for your room and maybe help you get a job." Peter said. I smiled and hugged him. "Thank you." I said. He hugged me tight. "I'll go get my stuff." I said.

Peter's POV.
Lyric is here, she is okay. She's fine. I smiled and let her go. "I'll be right back." she said and went to her truck. I paid for her room and helped bring her bags up. "There you go love." I said. She blushed. "Thank you Peter." she said. I hugged her. "Get some rest love." I told her and walked away with a big smile on my face.

I walked into the shop. I pulled out her necklace that can conceal her powers. She is stronger than the shadow intended on. "Well you seem to have a big smile on your face." Rumple said. I kept his memory. "She is here, and when she breaks the curse me and her will leave. Me and Neverland will be immortal and I will leave you and your family alone." I said. "You better be right." Rumple said. I smiled. "So what is she? Is she like a female version of you?" Rumple asked. I sighed. "She is uh... worse. She is what my shadow called her, The Shadow Girl." I said. He looked at me confused. "She takes people's shadows and makes there soul belong to her." I said. "So anybody that does me or her or anybody wrong. She will rip there shadow out. She also has a sward that can take your soul and trap it." I explained more. "So this necklace will control her." I said and showed him the necklace. "I can't lose her." I said and walked out.

Lyric's POV
I was unpacking my stuff. I couldn't stop thinking about Peter. He is so sweet, he is kind, and really cute. I hope he can make me happier than Peter Pan. Or... he is Peter Pan and he made this town so he can easily get to me, instead of having his shadow come and get me, because I would be out in a mental asylum if I told people if I was in Neverland. Nah, never in a million years. That's just ridiculous.

I put my last pair of leggings in my drawer and went to sleep. Tomorrow will be a better day.

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