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It was night time and Peter was asleep. I didn't want to tell him my plan. I wanted to kill Evans dad for hurting Evan. Poor kid. No wonder he flinches at everything.

I got to the shore. "Friends on the other side." I said. They all came. "Come on we have an abusive dad to catch." I said. I teleported to Evans old house. The room smelled of alcohol and cigarette. I hated that smell. Evans dad was passes out drink on the floor. I looked down at my shadows. "You know what to do." I said and went into a shaded part in the house.

I saw my shadow torture the man. He deserves it though. This is for Evan. "Enough!" I told my shadows. He looked at me. "Who are you?" he asked. "Oh an old friend of your son." I said looking at Evan and his mother in the hospital bed. "How do you know my son?" Evans dad asked. "That is non of your concern. All I'm here for, is revenge for him. You abused him. Beat him black and blue. Made him feel like nothing. Made him a fucking walking skeleton. No I get to torture you like you tortured Evan." I said.

I beat him till he was bleeding. "I will make sure your death look like alcohol poisoning you fucking asshole." I said and hit him again. "Friends. Lets go. This man has learned his lesson." I said.

Once I returned to Neverland, I made sure Evans dad had no blood or bruises on him. I made a voodoo doll of him and poked it through him. Him taking his last breath. "You're safe now Evan." I said to myself. "Shit!! I just killed someone!" I said to myself. "Damn. That felt good." I said again to myself.

I went into the kitchen out doors and made breakfast for the lost boys. "That smells good." Felix said. "Thanks." I said.

I put the plates out, with the knives and forks. Felix was watching me. "You did something." he said. I looked at him. Oh shit! He may know. "What do you mean?" I asked. He smiled. "You snuck out and killed someone." he said. I looked at him wide eyes. "How did you know?" I asked. "The blood on your shirt." he said. I looked down at my bloody shirt. "Shit." I said. "Who did you kill?" he asked. I looked at him. "Evans dad." I said. "You killed Evans dad?!?" he said. "Yeah. Why is it a big deal?" I asked. He sat down in a chair. He looked down and sighed loud. "Peter has tried to kill him so many times." Felix said. I looked at Felix in shock. "And you finally killed him." Felix said.

Peter came in and saw the blood on my shirt. He looked at me in shock. "What happened?" he asked in panic. He grabbed me and checked me to see where I was hurt. "This isn't your blood. Is it?" he asked. "Is it!!" he said. "No." I said. He looked at me confused. "Evans dad." I said. He looked at me shock. "You killed him?" he asked. I looked down. "Yeah." Je grabbed my hand. "Where are we going?" I asked. "We are going to our treehouse and those clothes are coming off." he said.

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