Chapter 3 II Denial

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  "W-What?" The wolf sounded almost too surprised to react correctly. "Bendy? Crying? He never cries!" Alice sighed, "Well...I heard sobbing in there and I just assumed he could possibly be upset over something." She pouted and eyed the entrance to the room. "He ain't upset that we locked him up in there...Is he?" Boris looked worried for his friend. "Oh, no! Not one bit honey...It has to be something else." She reassured the taller toon and gave a slight pat on his leg. Boris was breathing heavily for a moment before relaxing. He covered his face, distressed. "It's just that I don't want him to be mad at us-" "A little too late for that Boris; He was insulting all of us before he even began to cry." Boris's ears fell in response to Alice's interruption. "I don't think ah can do it, Al, He might be a little too..." He gulped, "emotionally unstable..." He felt terrible for saying that, but he couldn't deny the truth. This remark just got a even more depressed expression from Alice. She hated seeing Boris of all people being this pitiful. She knew she had to do something about this...But what could she do?
Wait... That's it!
"Boris, darling, please hear me out on what i'm about to say. Remember how Henry saved us from that dreaded studio? Well...Bendy hasn't quite gotten...How do I say this...Used to being like this." Boris stared at Alice as she went on, "You always wanted to be a hero, right? Well...Now's your chance to shine." He looked both taken aback and confused by all this. "Whadda you mean by 'Hero'?" The angel's lips curled upwards just a smidgen. "You'll basically be the one that determines how Bendy is going to act from here on out." She backed up away from the door, allowing Boris to stand alone in front of it. "Determine? Bendy? You're saying that what I do in there could..." Alice only nodded. "If you need help, holler for me...Alright?" It was silent for just a moment before the wolf sighed, "Will do." Alice watch Boris slowly reach for the door knob and said, "Please be careful in there..."

That was the last thing he'll hear from Alice for hours to come...
As for the whole 'determining the future' gig?
Let's just say that there will be a massive change in plans, Both future and current events.
Why current...?

Because Bendy was listening in on them the whole entire time.

To Be Continued. . . ?

[Sorry about the delay in chapters! A lot has happened over the past two days so I had to, unfortunately, withhold any progress on the third and fourth chapter. Anyways...Thanks for reading !]

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