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"Where's you parents? Siblings?" He asks me.

"Who knows." I'm an only child and my mom is in prison and dad is possibly dead. But I'm not sure.

"That sucks. I can't imagine not having my parents or brother." He says smiling while he thinks about his family.

"What's their names?" I ask trying to start conversation.

"My moms name is Mama Rug and Papa Rug." He says smirking. I stare at him weirdly.

"Rug?" I say confused.

"Well.. it's a YouTube name. I'm FaZe Rug and they're my parents so mama and papa Rug." He says looking at me while grinning.

I take out my phone and search his channel. His most recent video is about him moving into his new house.

"Don't forget to sub." I roll my eyes while smiling then I lean over and elbow his arm.

"Hey! Don't distract the driver!" He exclaims.

"You weren't distracted, you were still looking ahead and not at me." I reply.

"What if you hit my arm and I accidentally swerved off the road?" He says thinking of scenarios.

"Well then poor you." I say while smiling.

"Poor me? You'd get hurt too!" He exclaims.

"Well it's your car." He opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

"So what's your bothers name?" I ask him. He glances at me then back to the road.

"Brandon." He replies.

"Brian and Brandon." I say.

"Yup. Brian and Brandon Awadis." He says saying his last name.

"So you bought a new house?" I ask.

"Yup, its huge! All four of us are moving there. It'll be a while until we feel settled in though." He explains.

"It's like that with all new houses." I say.

"So where are you staying?"

"Well I have money so I'll probably find a cheap apartment for now. Then find a job and start new here." I tell him my plan, it's not much but it'll have to do.

"How are you gonna find an apartment? Do you have a phone or anything?" He asks me. I groan, I have nothing, I need a more thought out plan.

"I have nothing." I say glancing at him as he drives.

"Well um.. if you want, you can come to my other house. There's wifi and stuff." He offers.

"Really? Wait. Which one?" I ask remembering he just moved.

"The not new one." He says.

"Old one?" I say wondering why he didn't just call it 'old house'.

"Because it's not 'old'. It's still our house for a few months." He explains. I look at him and raise a brow.

"Okay." I say looking out the window.

We get to his house and it looks rather large. But hey, that's what 5 million subscribers can get you.

"I wish I had 5 million subscribers." I say looking at the house.

"You wanna see what 5 million subscribers got me? I'll show you the other house later." He says smirking as he leads me inside the garage. I see an i8 just like the one I have that will be shipped here soon.

As we enter his house he gets a call. He quickly takes out his phone and answers.

"No way!"
"Ughh I really don't want to go back there."
"Today, we go today. Tonight."

He hangs up the phone and turns to me.

"I have to go record a video soon, I'll give you a quick tour and then I have to leave." I nod and he turns around to show me the rest of the house.

A FaZe Rug FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now