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Today I go to the place for the job. I followed the address from my phone on google maps. It lead me to a place in a back alley. Oh no. I quickly turn around and run back. But just before I leave through the gate, two men step out from out of nowhere.

"Excuse me." I say politely. They look at each other and laugh. I think quickly.

I kick one guy in the balls and duck down so the other guy can't get me. I crawl through the gate and run. I don't want to say I'm fit but I'm also not unfit. I look back and see the man still chasing me.

I take many turns to try and escape. I eventually ran out of breath so I stopped.

As I was jogging across a street I didn't look both ways. I turned to my right and a Range Rover came my way. They slammed on their brakes stopping centimetres away from me. I stare with wide eyes. I feel so weak I fall to the ground panting.

"Hey, are you okay?" The young man asks me.

I breathe very heavily then respond. "No." He helps me up and I lean on his car.

"Sit down." He helps me to the passenger seat of the car. He gets in and closes his door, then he turns on the air conditioning. I take out my bottle of water and take big gulps from it. He drives to the side of the road and parks.

I check to make sure I still have everything. Backpack and suitcase. Yup everything is here. It was quite the struggle lugging that around.

"Are you gonna be okay?" He asks me. I look at him longly then nod.

"Just a minute." I say. I close my eyes and think. Where do I go now? What do I do?

I open my eyes and see the two men along with three others coming my way. My eyes widen and my face goes pale.

"Drive! Hurry!" I yell, he jumps and looks forward. He puts his car in drive and speeds away from them. They tried running but of course they couldn't catch up. I put my seatbelt on and so does he.

"Who the hell are they?" He asks me while keeping his eyes on the road.

"I have no clue." I respond truthfully.

Where do I go?



"You said 'where do I go'. Do you have a place to stay?" He asks me. I guess I said that out loud.

"Um no not really. I just got to San Diego yesterday and I already managed to get myself in trouble." I say kind of to myself and him. He chuckles a little.

"I'm Brian." He says introducing himself.

"I'm Aryana, middle name Trouble." I say sarcastically. He laughs and so do I.

"So is there anybody you can call?"

"Nope. I'm completely alone here."

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