Me: Really? Oh my… That’s good news!

Jiro: Honestly, AaronChun, and I want to say a big thank you.

Me: Huh? Why are you thanking me?

Jiro: It’s because of you that’s why we met our girlfriends.

Me: No. It’s not me. It’s just destiny and that proves that you love your special someone.

Jiro: That’s right. Has he awakened already?

Me: Not yet. He’s still sleeping.

Jiro: Oh. Okay. I just call you back or call him later. Xiao Mei, xie xie. Bye!

Me: You’re welcome, Dadong. Bye!

The conversation lasted for 15 minutes. I found Calvin’s phone charger in his bag and plugged his phone on outlet to let it fully charged. I left a while to check downstairs if Chen Mama prepared breakfast.

“Good morning, Mama!” I greeted. “Oh. Xiao Mei, good morning! Is Calvin still sleeping?” Chen Mama asked. I answered, “Yeah. Well, I’m planning to give him a simple meal-on-bed this bright morning.” “Oh okay. Here you can use the kitchen. Have a tea or coffee first. Don’t mind us, we had already eaten,” said Chen Mama. I prepared a tea for Calvin and mild coffee for me. Then I cooked a simple but healthy dish: tuna omelet with cheese and a slice of loaf bread with mayonnaise on the side. I brought his breakfast meal upstairs to our room. When I opened the door, I smiled that Calvin was still sleeping. I woke him up, “Cupcake, good morning! Breakfast is ready.” “Hi! Good morning, sweety. You woke up so early. Did you prepare this food? It looks so delicious. Thank you, sweety,” Calvinsaid smilingly. He tasted my cooked dish and told me that the omelet was delicious. After breakfast,Calvin took a bath. I wanted to tell him about Ryeowook and me but I had suddenly decided not to tell him yet. I’m not well-prepared. Maybe next time, I must well-prepared for that.

My phone rang again. It wasn’t Jiro but it’s the drama producer. I pressed the answer key.

Producer: Good morning, Xiao Mei!

Me: Good morning, Ma’am.

Producer: I’m informing you to take a workshop with the main cast for two weeks starting on Monday.

Me: Oh. Okay. Am I with DadongReenKyuhyun, and Ryeowook?

Producer: Yes. But there are days that you’ll be with Kyuhyun, and Ryeowook; there are days that you’ll be with Dadong and Reen. The purpose of this workshop is for all of you to be comfortable with each other during the filming for the drama when you start in these coming weeks.

Me: Oh. Yeah. Thanks, Ma’am. May I know what time and where will it be held?

Producer: It will be held at Studio 17, 5th floor, GTV building from 9am to 5pm. I’ll give your schedule as soon as possible.

Me: Okay, Ma’am. By the way, I have taping schedule for MTV Taiwan every Wednesday and Saturday.

Producer: Is that so? Alright. Thanks for that. I’ll inform you tomorrow through call or text message. We will arrange your workshop schedule immediately after we inform the other cast about the workshop. Xie xie, Xiao Mei and see you on Monday.

Me: Xie xie ni! See you also on Monday. Bye!

Calvin went out topless in the bathroom and asked, “Sweety, who’s that?” “It was the drama producer of my new drama. She informed me that I’ll be having workshop with the main cast. By the way, Dadong called on my phone few hours ago. He will call again later, this time on your phone. I charged it because its low battery shut down,” I replied. “Oh okay. Thanks,” Calvin sweetly said, “I’ll be sending a phone message to him immediately.”

Few minutes before lunch, Calvin’s phone rang. It was JiroCalvin asked loudly, “Sweety, is my phone ringing? Can you answer it for the meantime? Thank you.” I loudly said okay and answered his phone.

Jiro: Hui, Calvin? [Hello, Calvin?)

Me: Hello, Dadong! It’s me, Xiao Mei. Can you please wait for few seconds? His father called him for a while.

Jiro: Oh okay.

After few seconds, Calvin went back in the room. I gave his phone and said that Jiro was on the line.   

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