Chapter 11 - The Blue Butterfly

Start from the beginning

Arthur smiles, placing a hand on the door as he rests his forehead against the cold iron. "I'd do anything for you. Now come on, let's get you out."

Arthur moves away from the door, inspecting the hinges when the sound of footsteps disrupts him. Of numerous footsteps.

The prince stiffens, turning to look down the hall only to see a faint light at the end. One that hadn't been there before. It seems ominous. Like a messenger arriving from the depths of the underworld.

Mary looks to the prince with worry, apparently fearing the same thing he does as Arthur quickly turns to the door. He kicks as hard as he can near the handle, hoping to break through with brute strength alone but to no avail. The door remains shut. He looks again down the hall, finding the light growing in size as the footsteps become louder and louder. He tries to kick again, praying to whatever being is out there that the door will just give in but still it remains closed. There's no way he can break through an iron door. There's just no way.

"Arthur?" Merlin calls, voice filled with concern. "What's going on? Is-"

"Restrain him."

Guards appear from the hall, grabbing the prince and his caretaker by the shoulders as the king strides forward. His expression is set into a snarl as he walks up to his son. The betrayal in his father's eyes almost makes Arthur regret what he's done, but only almost, because behind that look of disappointment is something else. Something like shame and disgust for what he's done.

Arthur struggles in the guards grasp before the man forces him down on his knees, making him look up towards the king as the man stands over him. "I expected more from you," he says, voice cold, the minimal emotion he ever showed gone.

"And I expected more from you as a father," Arthur says with a growl, "I suppose we're both disappointed."

The king's eyes suddenly darken at the words, his fingers seem to twitch beside him, curling into a fist when there's a loud knock from the iron door. "Arthur?" Merlin calls, and the voice makes both the royals freeze in place. "Is everything alright?"

Uther turns his attention now to the door, his eyes revealing nothing as he pulls a key from his belt. A guard beside him hands him a pair of manacles before Uther turns the key into the lock and opens the door.

"No!" Arthur shouts, struggling against the guards that hold him but even he isn't strong enough to take down three knights all by himself, "father please! He's done nothing wrong!"

The king ignores him as the door swings open and finally, at last, Arthur's able to get a proper look at his friend. He sees dark hair and tattered clothes. A distinct red neckerchief. Then bright blue eyes meet his and suddenly the world feels perfect. Like there was nothing wrong. Like everything was alright because all he needed is right here in front of him. But, almost as quickly as it had started, the moment is broken by Uther reaching out and grabbing Merlin by his hair. The boy cries out in pain as Uther throws him roughly into the hall, forcing him down on the ground as he locks the manacles on his wrists.

"Merlin..." Arthur says, the words barely above a whisper as the king yanks the boy to his knees in front of him.

Merlin looks to him in terror, eyes frantic as he tries to escape the king's grasp but that only earns him a kick to the stomach. Merlin coughs, doubling over in pain only to have Uther grab him by his hair again and yank him upright. The warlock's eyes glow a faint gold, the colour appearing for only a brief moment before they flicker out into nothingness.

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