07. stuck in the middle

Start from the beginning

Kol chuckled, "Smart observation love. However, with some magic and trust....this will work. We all have to work together though; are you guys in?"

Asher and Davina looked at each other for a moment, having a mental conversation basically. Finally, Asher turned towards Kol and nodded, "We're in."

+ + +

"Why are you so glum?"

Ariel looked up from the couch in the tomb and found Kol standing above her; the stupid silver dagger was in his hands.

She shrugged, "I don't know if I can do this."

He set the dagger on the table and sat down next to her. "Klaus has done many things love, he deserves this. Plus, he won't be dead, just asleep for a while."

"But he took me in when I was all alone," Ariel explained a little too loudly. "I can't just turn my back on him; that's wrong."

"I need you for this though," Kol argued with her. "Do this for me, for all the pain he has put me through."

Ariel stood up furiously, wanting to smack the living shit out her boyfriend. "Really? You just want me stay with you just because of this damn spell? Kol...I can't choose between you guys!"

"What if I told you he has been lying to you this whole time?" The brunette's eyes met Kol's, not expecting what he was going to say (or if she would believe it). "He only wants you so you could be an inside person. Klaus knows that you've forgiven me, and now he wants everything on mother dearest, but he's only keeping you close so you could tell him. He's using you!"

Ariel let out a laugh, but it was more of a 'that's bs' laugh. "I can't believe you. Goodbye."

Kol sealed the tomb door with his magic before she could leave. Her hands pushed on the door, but it wouldn't budge. "Let me leave!"

"Not until you believe that I'm looking out for you," Kol came up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Just...let me show you something."

Ariel relaxed under his touch and turned around to be face-to-face with him. "I'm giving you five minutes."

Kol smiled and got a strand of copper wire. He held it out for her to hold, which she grabbed it roughly. "Just close your eyes and hold out your arm."

Ariel complied and tried not to think about what the hell he was going to do. Kol started chanting an ancient language as his hand made his way up her arm. Goosebumps started to form where he touched, but soon stopped when the copper wire was on fire.

"The hell?" Ariel quickly dropped it and looked for water, but Kol held out his hand.

He picked up the wire – which was now a shining silver. Kol wrapped the wire around his angel's wrist, "For you."

Ariel still looked in astonishment, the bracelet looking gorgeous on her. "We – we did this?"

"Yep," Kol placed his hands on her cheeks. He brought her face close to his, stopping just when their noses touch. "We can change things; we're unstoppable together. Ariel, you need to know that I would never lie to you. I will always look out for you and protect you because I love you."

Ariel just stared at him, still not knowing what she wanted to do. She pulled away from him and went over to the door again. "Kol, I just want to leave."

He sighed before taking the spell off the door. She smiled a 'thank you' before heading out. The cemetery was dark so she could barely see a thing as she was walking out. The wind picked up her hair, which was already growing out; she was missing her long hair. Ariel heard a crashing noise behind her, but when she turned around Hayley was standing before her.

"Hey...what's going on?" she asked the hybrid. Ariel was honestly just tired and wanted to go back to her apartment.

Hayley stayed silent for a moment. Her eyes filled with guilt, "I'm so sorry."

"Ariel run!"

The angel looked behind Hayley to see Marcel grabbing Kol. She was about to make a break for it, but Hayley's hands grasped her neck and snapped it.

+ + +

definitely know which side ariel will be on now lol. i'm soooo sorry for not updating in such a long time, i've honestly just had 0 inspiration for this.

make sure to vote and comment loves :)

make sure to vote and comment loves :)

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