Chapter 4

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Gabe looked up at Bobby. "No, I... I can't just leave him here. I barely know you... How do I know you'll take good care of him?" His voice was filled with tremors.

Bobby looked his eyes. "Because I have two boys and they're gonna grow up great and I'm gonna make sure any kid who comes to me does." Every ounce of Gabriel's self was inclined to believe him. He was going grow up right if he stayed with Bobby.

"If Cassie says yes... He can stay." Gabe rambled about schooling, Castiel needing to video call him every night and how he's going to visit all the time if this works out. Dean burst in the door, Sam following behind, then Cas entering timidly.

Castiel hugged Gabriel. Saying that he was sorry many times. Bobby insists on leaving the two brothers alone for a bit. "Hey, Cassie." Gabe said with a sad smile playing across his lips. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

"Dad, he... It's a long story. You know the main highlight." Cas sighed. "Him and Uriel kicked me out."

Gabriel looked at Cas' face, still slightly red, but not as bad as it had been. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" Castiel nodded. "Then tell me why. Please Cassie."

Cas knew his brother would just not care, Gabe was the most open minded person in his... He didn't really know what to call it anymore. He still carried a sense of shame along with this part of him. His unit wouldn't​ have kicked him out if there was nothing wrong with him, right? "I, well I'm gay. I think. I don't know. I mean, I like boys and I'm sorry."

"Never apologize for who you are, okay Cassie? No matter what anyone says. Even if you end up liking girls, that's fine. Just stay you." Gabe sighs. "Cassie do you mind staying at Bobby's for a bit?"

He looked up at his older brother. "I don't mind. You're in college. I wouldn't want you to give anything up for me, will Bobby want me to stay?"

Gabe looked at the scuffed up wood floors. "He offered actually, I have a feeling he's just sick of everyone being a big old pile of dicks."

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