Love And Art- Part Four

Start from the beginning

"You want me to pretend that I am Y/N?" Odette asked, putting two and two together, as it only made sense. "Well, of course. Due to the unfortunate circumstances he seems to have fallen in love with that one. But not to worry. Your mother will take care of all the little things but you will see Gaston tomorrow. Now go and get your beauty sleep." Mother said, ordering at once. "How is that fair to all of us, Mama? We're the oldest!?" Paulette, cried in protest, just looking for excuses. "Hush, I'm still looking for the right man for all three of you." Mother rolled her eyes to the back of her head. 

The next day... 

Gaston had some business to tend to in the village, as he was still on a mission, he spotted you, or what he thought was you in the middle of the village. He quickly forgot everything he wanted to do, and dropped everything. He pardoned himself at least a dozen times and slammed gold coins against the table, paying for the bouquet of flowers he picked just for you. This was his chance, to get you back. And he wasn't going to lose it, because who knows if it will ever happen again. 

"Y/N!, Y/N!" Gaston yelled over the crowd, telling you to wait up. Odette, turned around, aroused suddenly. Your mother, was at her shop window, watching her plan work as predicted. "How did you escape your mother's wrath?" Gaston's joy was radiating from his face, he was so happy he could almost kiss you.

"It-It wasn't easy but I managed. I'm sure you don't want to here the details." Odette blushed nervously, her cheeks turning red and hot. "None the matter. Here, I got these flowers just for you." He exclaimed handing them to you. There were beautiful. Y/N would love them. Odette thought to herself. In a way she felt pretty guilty. Gaston was obviously so in love with Y/N. If he ever found out the truth some day, Odette might not be able to forgive herself.

"Why, thank you Gaston!" Odette said, taking them and smelling them. "I will have to put this in a vase with water right away when I get home." Odette added, not really knowing what to say. "I'm glad you like them. Y/N, I was wondering if we could pick up where we left off just a few days ago in the woods?" Gaston pressed his lips together, with a small smile. "Oh but of course. What was it you were going to say?" Odette was now very unsure where this conversation was going.

Gaston kneels down in front of Odette. "I wish I was able to my exact words but I knew I was going to end with this. Y/N, would you do me the biggest honor and become my wife forever and always?" Gaston dug around in his pocket for a second and pulled out a box with a diamond in it. Odette gasped, Gaston perceived it as joy, but for Odette it was shock. She barely knew this man and now she going to run off and get married to him, just like that. It wasn't right, but mother was watching. "Yes! A thousand times yes!" Odette cried and held out her hand, so he could slip that ring on her finger. 

Gaston stood up and picked Odette and swung her around in his arms. "You have made me the happiest man alive, Y/N." Gaston breathed against her neck. Odette sighed blissfully. Then, that was mother cue to come into the picture. "Oh I don't know if you are going to be able to forgive me, Monsieur Gaston. I overreacted a few days past." Your mother pretended to have remorse for her actions. "All will be forgiven when your daughter and I tie the knot." Gaston said, revealing the gem to Mother. "Oh what a beautiful ring! You are the right man for my Y/N. I am so sorry that I ever doubted you." Your mother declared, so happy that her simple and quite devious hell of a plan worked out seamlessly with no flaws. 

"Not to worry. I will see you soon, my love." Gaston pecked a kiss on the side of Odette's head. Odette and Mother watched Gaston skip away merrily. "Told you it would work. Now, we must get started on those wedding plans." Your mother cackled evilfully. If there something that Mother could not live without it was control over little thing. That was probably drove your poor, late father to death. Odette sighed and respected her mother's wishes.

"Yes, mother." She mumbled under her breath, quickly jogging to catch up.

While you were getting weaker by the minute. You were chiseling away to nothing. You've been starving and thirsty for days. You still very much missed Gaston. You screamed from your room until your voice was nearly gone and throat raw. You were feeling weak, and faint much as you described the night you sneaked away for dinner with Gaston. Oh, that was a magical night. And oh how you wished you could turn back the clock and go back and remain there forever.

There is no home, so no one heard you screaming. You were turning invisible. You thought that your family assumed they could lock you away and throw away the key and forget about you, and leave you to die. They took the only thing you held dear to your heart and your freedom. You hoped Gaston wasn't miserable and loathing around like you were. You wrote letters to yourself and to Gaston that he would never see. You cried all of your tears. There was nothing left for you unless to die.

And the longer you're in captivity, the more you want it to be over. You want to close your eyes and never wake up again. Like you said, this was madness. Late in the evening though, you heard people arrive at your house. It was only your sisters and mother. Who else? You had just woken up from a nap when they pulled up. "Oh Y/N!" Your mother called your name in a sing song voice. "What do you want?" You managed to rasp out, with a little cough. "Well, aren't you begging to come out?" Your mother placed a hand on her hip. "Why? I thought you were going to live me here to die?" You huffed, rolling your eyes with attitude. "You're being over dramatic. Plus, I'm surprised you don't want to hear if there is any news on Gaston." Your mother was taunting you now.

"Is there any news on Gaston?" Your ears perked up at the sound of his name. Your mother knew she had you sucked in for sure. "He hasn't been around the house, but I thought I should you something. You might want to see this." Your mother unlocked your door. "Come with me, my dear." Your mother offered you her hand. You brushed past her, refusing to hold her hand. "Lead the way." You folded your arms over your chest. "Have it your way, then." Mother held her head up. 

She took you to the tavern. "Why did you take me here?" You asked uneasily. "Stick you're head and take a look for yourself." Mother shrugged suggestively. You looked back at the tavern and cracked the door open slightly. Inside, you saw Gaston. He was toasting a beer with the boys, he appeared happy and completely forgot about you. You gasped quietly. You couldn't believe your eyes. This was some horrible dream, but unfortunately it was all in real time.

"He didn't really love you, Y/N. But it will be alright. There will always be other men." Your mother tried to insist to you as you stomped down the stairs, hot tears streaming down your eyes. "NO! They're won't be. Gaston was the only man for me, mother. Now if you'll excuse me." All you wanted was to be alone. "Not so fast. I didn't say your punishment was over. You're coming with me." Your mother pulled your arm roughly, probably making a bruise. "I thought you made your point. You win again!" You said pulling your arm out of your mother's grip.

"I don't appreciate your tone. So now I have to be the bad guy huh?" Your mother said squaring her jaw. "Fine I guess I'll be the bad guy." With that, she knocked you on the head with her bag, and you landed on the hard ground with a thud. Your mother scooped you up from underneath your arm and dragged your body all the way home. There when she got you home took you to the basement instead of your room and cuffed you to one of the pipes. 

"I do hope we never have to speak again, my dear daughter of mine. I love you." Your mother said to you before closing and locking the basement doors. Odette, witnessed all of this before her eyes, as she heard strange noises from outside from her bedroom went to investigate, saw more than what she bargained for. She looked down at the stone that was wrongfully placed on her ring finger. She knew what she needed to do now. She needed to set things straight, and make things right and give you and Gaston the happy ending they so very much deserve. She was determined, and now all she needed to do was figure out how she would do it. 

The End! 

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