Chapter Seventeen

En başından başla

Marco smiled as he gently patted his younger brother's head gently. He then took a napkin from the table and carefully wiped Oliver face. "Look at you, all messy. You must have liked your waffle, huh?" Marco chuckled. 

"Yeah!" Oliver replied with a small giggle, "Waffle!"

"That's right!" The oldest boy said with a smile towards his baby brother. "It was yummy, wasn't it?"

"Yeah! Yummy!" The two year old smiled brightly. All the Bodt children seemed to have that infectious smile.

Mrs. Bodt walked over to the table, placing another plate of pancakes on it. "I've made plenty for everyone." She said with a smile. "Anyone want syrup?" The woman asked.

"Me! I do!" Lisa exclaimed as she rose her hand as if she was at school.

"Me too Mama!" Marina chimed in.

"I'll have some as well Mom." Marco added, "Here, Let me get it for you." The eldest Bodt child got out of his chair to get it. "Eren," He glanced over his shoulder. "Do you want syrup too?" 

"Yes please." Eren smiled lightly at the boy.

"Alrighty." Marco found the syrup and brought it back to the table. He handed it to Eren, "Here you go."

"Thank you." Eren took the syrup and poured it on his pancakes before passing it to the next person.

Lisa took it from Eren, with a small thank you and poured it on her pancakes as well. The oldest girl then gave the syrup to her sister who did the same. When Marina had finished, she gave it to Marco. Once Marco finished, he placed the syrup on the table, just in case his siblings or Eren wanted more later.

Just then, Mr. Bodt came into the kitchen, wearing a suit. "Mornin' everyone!" He said in a cheerful voice.

Mrs. Bodt turned to face her husband, her face beaming as brightly as the sun. "Good Morning, honeycake." She went to grab a coffee cup. "Here, I made you coffee."

"Aw, Maude." He said, kissing her cheek. "You always know how to make my day."

The girls giggled from the table.

Mr Bodt turned to see his precious daughters, "What are you two giggling at?" He asked playfully, his eyebrow raised.

"Nothing!" The girls said in unison.

Mrs. Bodt glanced to the clock, her eyes suddenly widened. "Oh dear! Ned, you're going to be late for work! It's already heading towards nine-thirty!"

"Oh Fiddlesticks, you're right!" Ned said, glancing down at his watch. "I better get goin'!" Before grabbing his briefcase and hat, he went over to the table and kissed all of his children on the cheek. To Marco, he gave his hair a little ruffle. "You kids be dandy for your motheroo, you hear?" He said as he made his way to the front door.

"Yes Daddy!" Lisa said to her father.

"Okie-Dokie." Marina nodded.

"Don't worry about us Dad. We will." Marco chimed in.

"Bye dear! Have a good day at work." Mrs. Bodt cooed as Mr. Bodt left the house.

Eren gave a brief wave to Mr. Bodt as he shoveled pancakes into his mouth.

Marco finished his food and stood up, taking his plate to the sink. "Breakfast was great as it always is Mom." He smiled towards her.

"Thank you sweetheart." Mrs. Bodt smiled back towards her son.

"Yeah Mom! You always make amazing breakfast!" Marina said with a mouthful of food.

"Marina, don't talk with your mouth full! That's gross!" Lisa whined.

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