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i can feel my bones melting through my skin,
leather seats at 84°
scorched red thighs, sweating palms
radiant head overpowering, i hear the sun whispering to lay down and close my eyes.
helios entangles his limbs with mine and suddenly there is no such thing as cold.
i am a fucking reincarnation of a heat wave itself, after a harsh winter.
i will shut you down and out and frost bite the ends of your toes— and 2 months later i'll come back and melt it away and you'll be stuck in a volcano.
wither away to ashes and i'll laugh,
laugh, and cry some more.
im either this or that and i don't know what to think anymore.
i am winter and summer and i am cold and hot and i am awake or asleep, i am never in between.
i am the harshest i can be.
i hope you're okay with me.

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