The sister

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So if you have read my other one shots you know that you have made a promise that you won't sleep with Laxus and all that jazz. And you are an innocent person. One more thing! You are a very very powerful wizard and are the older sister of Nastu. You are a fire dragon slayer and have been on many century class quests. Enjoy!

(Y/n) was on one of her century class quests when she smelt a familiar scent. She didn't know who it was, she just knew the scent. So she followed it to a small apartment. She came to the door of the apartment 'should I just knock on a random door? Ah might as well.' (Y/n) knocked on the door.
Loud music was coming from the apartment. Then it stopped and the door opened. There stood a blonde blue eyed girl a little older than (Y/n). She had her hair in a ponytail and wore a sleeveless shirt with a super short skirt.
"Uh, can I help you?" She said leaning on her door frame.
"You're from fairy tale?! I watched you guys in the grand magic games! Wait your (Y/n) Dragneel right?"
"Yah I am."
"Oh my gosh! What brings you here? At my house?" She said about to burst with excitement.
" uh this might sound a little weird but, I recognized your scent. So I followed it."
She stared at me, she looked like she was going to cry. She grabbed me and hugged me. "I knew you would find me little sis!"
"Huh?!" (Y/n) had no idea who this lady was, but she was very weirded out.
"You were taken from us." The lady said crying.
She pulled away from the hug. "I don't know what you are talking about miss. I don't even know your name. How am I supposed to believe that you are my sister?" (Y/n) said putting her hand on her hips. The lady wiped her tears.
"You're right, come in side and I'll tell you everything, oh by the way I'm Elizabeth,"
"Nice to meet you." I said walking in carefully and checking all around me.
"Can I get you anything to drink?"
"Um no im good thanks ."
She sat down a small trey of snacks on a small coffee table. We were sitting across from each other.
"Ok I'll start from the beginning.
Our family didn't live in fiore. We lived in a Nordic village up high in the mountains where it was always winter. We lived like how you do here just smaller and colder.
Our father Ureck was a great warrior. And one day a huge black dragon came to our village, it destroyed everything. And out of nowhere another dragon came, and started fighting the other one. We were running to a secret mountain pass. Then I realized that you weren't with us. By the time we got to you the dragon had already got you."
"This dragon what did he look like?"
"Well there was a black one with blue markings everywhere and a red on with big scars on his face. The red one was the one who took you."
"That was igneal!"(sorry if I spelt it wrong!)
"My dad!"
Elizabeth raised an eyebrow at me.
I sighed." Igneal raised me, he taught me dragon slayer magic. And he also raised another boy with me. He was told that I was his sister. I was excelling and I no longer needed him. So he told me to leave and go to a guild called fairy tale. And that's how I'm here."
"Wow." Elizabeth said looking down to the ground. I folded my arms across my chest and grunted.
"All right I think I'll be going." I said standing up.
"Wait!" Elizabeth said standing up too
(Y/n) turned around .
"Please. I want to meet everyone who you say is your family. I want to know what you've been doing these past years."
"Well, I guess you could come next week. Can I get your number?"
Elizabeth smiled huge" of course!!" She ran into a room and get a pen and paper.
"Wait can I ask you something else?"
"Where's the other part of the family? Why are you just here?"
"Oh they are in fiore I just live by myself. I haven't talked to them in a while"
"Oh well we should meet in Magnolia. You could meet everyone in my guild and my fiancé."
"OH!! You're engaged! Oh I'll be there next week just let me know when !"
"Ok I will, I'll keep in touch." (Y/n) said waving bye.

A week later:

"Alright! I have to go to the train station to get Elizabeth. You know the plan, you wait outside and greet us, got it?"
"Yah sure." (Y/n) raised her eyebrow at Laxus
"I won't mess this up (Y/n) I promise." He said pecking her on the lips
"Ok, I love you I'll see you soon." (Y/n) said walking away.
Laxus leaned against the wall and watched her walk away.' Dang, she has a nice... ahhh!!! I can't keep this up! I need that wedding soon.'

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