{Three} New

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The sunlight is completely gone and I heard Val and Jerry enter their room an hour ago. The soup bowl stands on the nightstand along with an empty can of coca cola. The caffeine is doing its work, my eyes won't close for at least a few hours. I have been waiting for an hour to make sure that everyone is asleep. Slowly I place my feet on the ground. The soft creaking sound of the floor makes me cringe. Even that sounds too loud now. I put on my fuzzy socks and my coat. Looking like a warrior (in jeans and fluffy socks. Crusade in jeans ready, right?) I grab my torch and put it on. Slowly I walk towards the door of my room. I place my hand on the doorknob and turn it slowly. 

It makes a soft sound, and I'm scared it'll wake Val up. But I get to the hallway without disturbing anyone. I see that the doors across my room are all closed, and I hear soft snoring. I smile and slowly tiptoe towards the door.

The door needs a key, of course it needs a key. Why haven't I thought of that? Where could I look for a key? I softly turn around, almost peeing my pants when I see Jerry standing in front of me.

"What are you doing m'am?" He asks with his crooked smile.

"Nothing. I'm okay. Nothing." I stutter, mentally slapping myself.

"Are you looking for this?" Jerry grabs a small key from his pocket. Wow what? Why would he show it to me like that?

"Would you give it to me?" I ask. Jerry chuckles.

"That would be too easy right. You know Theodora, behind that door lies something you're not prepared for. You can't go there without some training." He says with a grin. His yellow teeth shining like rotten stars. 

"What kind of training do I need?" I ask, looking him in the eyes. Only now I notice one of his eyes is white. 

"Follow me." He says and turns around to walk down the hallway. I tiptoe behind him, and follow him down the stairs. 

"Where are we going?" I whisper. Jerry says nothing and he keeps walking with his lantern in front of him. At night the house looks bigger. Once we're down the stairs, he turns right and opens the door under the stairs. Is he going to lock me down there because he caught me sneaking around? Maybe I'll learn magic then... 

I expect a small room behind the small door, but instead I see a huge library. Candles light the whole room. How is it possible that a room this big is in this house? 

Jerry walks towards a round table in the middle of the room. The round table is made from dark wood and glass, and it's surrounded by sofa's. 

"Okay Theodora, let me search for a book." And without another word he disappears. 

"Call me Teddy please, I hate my full name." I say, and I let myself drop onto one of the sofa's.

"Okay Teddy, Ted, whatever." He says. Within a few seconds he stands in front of me again, holding a huge book. About...horse riding? 

"Here, read this, Only chapter 67 and 89. You have one night, see you tomorrow." And with that he's gone, leaving me on my own in the large room. 

"Well he's one hell of a man." I mumble and I look at the book on my lap. Only two chapters right? I open the book to chapter 67, and look through the pages. Well... one chapter is 50 pages. Shit.


Hey! how do you like it so far?? leave some comments! and if you have ideas, tell me! xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2018 ⏰

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