{Two} I will enter

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The house looks straight from a fantasy book. It was in the middle of a forest, and green trees covered the house like a warm blanked. A few rays of sun hit the house. The taxi pulled over in front of the entrance.

"Here you go missy, don't forget your stuff." I nod as I get out of the car. I walk to the back and get my bag out. As I  slam the trunk shut, the car races away with high speed.

"Well that's just great." I say to myself. I watch as the car drives off further into the woods. And then I remember. My phone. It's still in the car! "Damnit!" I scream towards the car, who's no longer there.

"Now now dear no need for such words." I tun towards the house and I see that there's a woman standing in the doorway. She has autumn color hair and her eyes look safe and warm. My feet seem to be stuck to the ground. She smiles the sweetest smiles.

"That was Jerry, he'll be returning soon enough."

"You're my grandmother? I mean Steph-grandmother?" I manage to get out. She nods.

"Yes. Call me Val. Please come in, I've been expecting you." I smile back, and I feel my legs again. I walk towards the house, and I enter.

The hallway is large, with on the left a big staircase that leads over the hallways to what I can see another hallway. The walls and the stairs are made of a dark wood, and it looks ancient. I place my bag on the bottom of the staircase and follow Val into what seems to be the living room. It's large and dark, and there are lot of terrariums against the wall on my right as I enter. My attention immediately goes to the things that are inside of the terrariums; reptiles. I hear a soft chuckle from behind me.

"They don't bite, do you want to hold one? That one there is called Cloudjumper, he's a real sweetheart."

I shake me head and I look the other way. Connected to the living room is the kitchen. It has one small cooking island and a large window that spreads almost over the entire kitchen. I see strange masks hanging on the walls, the masks look ancient and they look like they can break any moment.

"What are the masks?" I ask, curiosity speaking. Val sits down, and the chair makes a squeeky noise.

"I'll explain later, come my child, sit down and have some tea, or you you want to see your room first?" She asks. I look to the small tray with tea and cookies.

"I'll go to my room first." I say in the sweetest way possible. Val smiles and stands up. She looks behind me. I feel a soft breeze hitting my neck. I gasp and spin around.

"Hey m'lady." I'm met with a crooked smile with yellow teeth.

"Ah! I told you Jerry would come back. Do you have her device...thingy?" Val asks to Jerry. Jerry shakes his head. He reaches for his front pocket and takes out my phone, broken.

"W-wow what happened? You better pay for that!" I say as I grasp the phone from his hold.

"Sorry m'am, I sat on it." He says. Before I can say anything back Val cuts in.

"You'll get a new one. Now, Jerry can you take Theodora to her room please?" Val asks. Jerry nods and walks up the stairs without saying a word. I look back to Val for a few seconds before following Jerry up the stairs.

"Please call me Teddy."

Like the kitchen, the walls in the hallways are covered with strange masks as well. We enter a dark hallway with four doors; two on the right and two on the left. As I come closer I see another door, straight ahead of me. I barely saw it. Unlike the other white doors, the door straight ahead of me matches the color of the walls; dark brown.

"Here is your room," Jerry opens the first door on the right. A rather large room is revealed, with a bed, and a closet and a mirror. The walls are white and the bed is a wooden color with white sheets. The curtains that hang in front of stained glass are white as well.

"Don't enter the other rooms without permission." Jerry says as he makes ready to leave the room.

"What's the door on the end?" I ask. Jerry looks confused for a second, but then he smiles the creepy smile again.

"Like I said, don't enter the other rooms without permission." He says and he leaves the room.


In front of me lies the most disgusting blob of food I have ever seen in my entire life. It's a mixture of potatoes with some nuts and some worms. Val takes a huge bite and closes her eyes, clearly enjoying the food.

"Oh oh oh, this is my fav-or-ite. I used to eat this all the times with you, Stoick and Hiccup, remember." Jerry laughs loud and snorts. Val stops eating and looks to Jerry with a rather angry look. Jerry knows he has said something wrong.

"You can go now Jerry." Jerry nods and shoves his chair backwards, before leaving the kitchen. Val looks at me and smiles. "Aren't you hungry?" She asks. I smile and shake my head.

"No, not really, my stomach hurts a bit." I say.

"Oh! I have some soup and I bought that teeth destroying thing you teenagers like." She stands up and walks to the refrigerator. She grabs a can of Coca Cola and a small bowl with something that looks like chicken soup. Val puts it in the microwave and within seconds, the soup is ready. I take a small sip and close my eyes. It it delicious. I open the Coca Cola can and take a sip of it as well.

"Who are Stoick and Hiccup?" I ask. Damn you curiosity for speaking again.

"I'd rather not talk about it." Val says softly. I nod, but I know I can't let this go.

"Are they your sons?"

"Like I said, I don't want to talk about it."

"I know but-"

"Theodora no. If you don't have anything better to talk about then you might as well go to your room." There is a bone crushing silence. I shove my chair back and walk out of the kitchen. I stop and turn around, sighing, as I walk back to the table.

"Can't forget my food." I say as I grab the bowl and the can, and leave the kitchen again. I hear a sigh from behind me.

I walk up the stairs to my room, taking a few sips of cola along the way. My door is still open, and I as I enter my room I put my bowl of soup on the night stand. I take another sip of the Coca Cola.

Don't enter the other rooms without permission, my ass.


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