earlier that day》

I sit outside with TJ as the bell rang, indicating that third period had started. We've been sitting and walking around all morning, not bothering with going to class.

"Wait, wait, wait," TJ says as he tries to compose his laughter, "so she's not his cousin?"

"No," I try to answer seriously, but completely failed as I started laughing with him.

After a little bit longer of the two of us laughing until we couldn't breath, we sat in a comfortable silence.

"So why are you skipping your classes?" He asks.

"What do you mean? We skip all the time," I question, not understanding why he's asking.

"No," he says, "we used to skip all the time," he looks at me with a smirk, "but that was before you made friends with Dawn, so why have you suddenly decided to skip today?"


I don't say anything. I stare at the empty football field in front of us, trying to think of an excuse.

When I couldn't come up with anything good, I decided to just be honest.

"I'm avoiding her."

"Why?" He asks, looking over at me.

I was beyond shocked when I found out that she could talk; who wouldn't be? But I wonder why she tells everyone she can't, and goes through that entire act. The whole thing seems like so much to keep up with. And even though she knows I know, she still tells me that she's a mute. It pissed me off. Not only that, something has happened to her involving her father. Something bad. And I want to know what.

"Just stuff," I say as I stare at the sky, avoiding his gaze.

"Dude, if you haven't noticed, she tries to avoid you," he snorts, "every day."

"Your point?" I ask, a little attitude slipping out.

"My point is that there's no need to skip your classes to avoid her. Just let her avoid you instead of fucking with her when she does." He snickers.

I roll my eyes, although I know he's right. We sit in silence and stare at the football field.


We were all cutting up and having fun while we ate our lunch. Haley hasn't been sitting with us ever since Becca scared the hell out of her by threatening her with  a spoon, so we've been enjoying lunch a lot more.

Every now and then I would look at Dawn. She sat facing the cafeteria instead of the window, which was surprising, as she usually ignores everyone and faces the window.

I noticed that her hair wasn't in her face, showing her slightly bruised eye that she's been trying to keep hidden. Why'd she stop?

She looked around at everyone, observing. When she looked to the left, I could see her whole eye, so I looked away before I could get angry again.

"What's going on between you two?" Jenny asks.

"Who?" I question back, though I knew who she was talking about.

"Dawn," she says, "Why aren't you over there being a pain in her ass today?"

The table laughs but I roll my eyes.

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