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The mansion is being eaten by fire! Worried started filling my body. It's been ages since the last time I felt this. Ciel's adorable face keeps on popping inside my brain. What ifs are starting to invade my thoughts.

If I can do other supernatural things then this is a great time to test it but I don't know why! I gulped. Tears are threatening to fall down.

"..Marie.." A voice spoke behind me. I recognised that voice! It's my bestfriend! I didn't waste any more seconds and turned around and I see Jace.

"Jace! Help me! I need to save Ciel but I don't know how. Hurry! We might not make it. I'm worried si--" Jace cutted me off after she lets out gas and it didn't take me a minute before my eyelids get heavier with every second. My world starts spinning, my whole body is throbbing.

"W-wha.." Then the darkness had eaten me away.


3rd Person's POV

"GYAAAAAH!" The scream of a young boy echoed throughout the large room. People wearing black robes surrounded a bed made of stone where the boy is. Spectators are seated around the room as if watching something really incredible. A pentagon shaped was drawn on the floor by the looks of it, the thing used to draw the symbol was blood. The room was large and there are only about 40 people inside, all wearing black robes not revealing any part of their faces. Candles are everywhere.

The boy who was placed and gripped tightly on the bed by the people wearing black robes was crying, begging for someone to help him. His parents just died from fire and now he's being tortured. There's a gigantic cage not far from the bed where he was placed earlier, inside the cage were little kids the same age as he is. Some died from hunger, some died because of the mental breakdown and some from blood loss.

There were atleast five people surrounding the little boy, two of them were pinning him down; one on the lower body and another two on the upper. The other man from the five men was the one torturing the child. He then held a metal that has a symbol on the other end; it is knows as the 'Noble beast'. The symbol was still blazing hot because it's been stayed on the burning coals for hours.
The young boy shivered with pain as the metal touched his body; the symbol printed on his back middle torso. Screaming and begging to the people who chose to stay deaf of his screams. The mark seems like a logo that has two snakes surrounding a sword. The men in black seems satisfied and have been able to laugh with every of his screams.

Another man held a sharp knife and showed it to the pitiable child. "This wouldn't last long my boy." The man smirked beneath its hood. "No.. No! Please! Someone help m--" The young boy pleaded but eventually cutted by another scream from his mouth as the sharp knife slides throughout his upper body. Blood rushed from the wound and drifted to the symbol drawn on the floor.

The blood seems to know where to go for they cleanly go to every edges of the drawing. Every single person on the room anticipates what would happen next but not long, disappointment was written all over their faces. "What's happening? Where's the demon? I thought if we sacrificed seven pure and beautiful children, everything will go smoothly?! We were lucky because we found this young boy who has a worth more than 2 people!" A woman voice echoed throughout the room. She seems to be a very important person because the people inside the room got tensed with every single word she dropped.

They didn't wait long before it rained black feathers. A dark aura surrounded the room. Strong wind swirled around the room and the candles died. The sound of a pair of stilettos was heard. Before the people panicked, the 'thing' slits their throat leaving the young boy the only alive person inside the room. Blood splashed on the walls, the white walls turned bloody red. Pile of dead bodies are now surrounding the room even the table where the boy was seated. His wound vanished after a snap of finger from the thing who seems to help him.

"These pathetic living beings. Stupidity must have been loved them very much. I won't go out just because of those things! I value quality over quantity."

" W-Who are you!? " The young boy aren't that scared for he had seen a very traumatic event earlier. This is nothing compared to the tortures he have gone through. " I'm the one you summoned. " The voice cannot be identified if it's coming from a woman, a man or even from a human.
" Will you help me? "

" I would gladly to but I ain't doing it for free. " The face of the voice cannot be seen because of the raining of feathers.

" How much? " The boy gained hope but that hope eventually died after he heard the price. The price can never give you hope.

" Your soul. " The boy didn't think twice and agreed. The devil seems to be amused by the fast reply of the boy. 
" Are you sure? If you agree to this, you won't have any hope anymore. The gates of heaven shall close before you. " The devil is searching even for just a little bit hesitation in the boy's eyes but he couldn't find anything.

" It's fine. I've already seen hell. " The boy boldly said and the devil once again smirked.

" What's your name human? "

" Ciel.. Ciel Phantomhive. "

" Where do you want to put the symbol of our contract? " The devil asked.

" To where it's the strongest. " The devil didn't answered but another scream came from the boy's mouth. A dark violet symbol shone in his right eye. Ciel keeps on screaming because of pain but after a while the light coming from his right eye stopped; even the pain subsided.

" What's your name? " Ciel asked the devil.

" My masters are the one who made names for me. " The devil haven't revealed itself yet.

" Then, I shall call you Sebastian.. Sebastian Michaelis. " After that, the contract became official.


Thank you for reading my story! Don't forget to vote and comment! I love chu~♡

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