Study Queen

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Jungkooks p.o.v

Now I was mad, first Nicole had the nerve to be mad at "y/n" about me holding her hand now Aubrey is sending her messages that say what a bad friend she is?????

I rushed out of the house because no one will ever hurt my Study Queen. I grabbed my jacket and ran to the park where they always chill. I caught sight of Nicole and Aubery and all the others,but my eyes were dead fixed in Aubery. I power walked to where they were sitting and I stood above them. Nicole had tears in her eyes and I just rolled my eyes at the sight of her disgusting looking face filled with sadness.

"What the fuc-"
I cut Aubrey off by punching his excuse of a face, I then pulled his jacket and punched him again I couldn't care about how Grayson and Eathen were trying to stop me, I was like an angry pit bull. Grayson and Eathen finally got me off Aubrey and I stood up in anger. "Why don't you so called friends defend (y/n) the way you defend Aubrey? " I asked before walking away from them in anger.

"What do you mean??"Asked Mila and Donata in sync. "Oh??? Didn't Aubrey and Nicole tell you how they called (y/n) a selfish bitch because I held her Hand???? " I asked and walked off from the group for good. The group looked confused,but I didn't care.

End of Jungkooks p.o.v

You waited anxiously at home while pacing around in the lounge and wondering what Jungkook would do. Even if you texted this boy he still would not care and continue to do what he wanted, so you left him and managed to calm yourself by watching tv and reading your favourite books... Her dedication to dancing by Liya and Just another rowing story by Catkiiza.

Just when you were about to fall of to sleep on the couch, Jungkook came in and sat down next to you on the couch like nothing happened.
"Jungkook! Are you okay?? Did anyone hurt you?" You asked and began to look for wounds on his body.
Without answering you, he pulled you into a tight hug and said ,with a smirk,"Well well well, look who is finally warming up to me."...

Tutoring the rich boy....jungkook x readerWhere stories live. Discover now