The chats with them

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End of Jungkooks pov
"Jungkook how could you"you asked, frustrated by the situation you were in. Jungkook began sweating and his hands began to shake.

"I'm so-"
You cut Jungkook off by saying,"Jungkook how on earth could you leave without your phone?"

Jungkook's facial expression changed completely and he suddenly blushed bright red. His hand then began to close up into a fist as he bit on his teeth and handed you the food. You let out a chuckle as you took the food from Jungkook's hand.

"Why did you look so worried," you joked around,"You almost looked like I was going to accuse you of cheating on me with some girl,"you continued with another chuckle. Sweat began to run down Jungkook's face as he nodded his head and chuckled with you.

Silence filled the house after your 'joke' and you could sense almost a discomfort in your stomach after thinking back to Jungkook's face when he entered the house. Was he hiding something? He didn't look the same, but you shrugged it off and walked back to the room which you two shared.

You settled down in your room with your food and went onto your phone. When last were you actually on social media? You went into your messages, the group chats and just familiarised yourself with the new updates while you waited for Jungkook to join you in bed.

The DBUS(group name)

Nicole: hey y'all guess what 😣👑👑

Donata: ??? Did you steal someone's boyfriend again?

Grayson: ...donata 😂

Lynique: what's up Nicole ?

Nicole: I saw something interesting here at my work today😉

You: what u see?


Aubrey: I also saw something very interesting... in fact I took photos

You: what is it?

Mila: yeah Fam... what is it

Nicole: let's just say it's blackmail

You: .... k

Mila: 😡

End of conversation

You rolled your eyes in annoyance and put your phone on the table next to your bed. "Jungkook???"you called out, but you received no response. You got out of bed and walked to the lounge where Jungkook was...He was asleep.

Jungkook looked like such a cute baby when he was asleep and it was just too adorable. The way his eyes gently shut and the way his mouth opened when he breathed. You fell in love with Jungkook and you loved everything about him. "Kookie,"you whispered while walking closed to him,"I love you,"you completed while placing a slight kiss on his forehead.

Ping Jungkooks phone went off as his message popped up, the sound of the message alert drew your attention to Jungkooks phone as the message popped up.

Unknown number: Hey kookie, great time tonight.... I'm just sorry that you have to be engaged ...You could have gotten more.💯👑

What the actually ####! Was the first thought that went through your mind. Who was this unknown number and what happened tonight????

Tutoring the rich boy....jungkook x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن