Warm hands

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"Okay listen, appa i know what you are thinking and I don- "
Your sentence was interrupted when Jungkook slide his hand into yours and smiled at your father and said,"Your wish is my command."

The nerve this boy had to just hold your hand...... You eventually realised why he did it though, it wasn't for affection...hell no! It was because if he didn't do anything, your father's would never leave the situation without THEIR conclusion.

"Very well then, tomorrow we will sort out the arrangements for outfits and we will hire photographers and everything,"said your dad while handing the tickets to Uncle Linton.

Uncle Linton followed your father as they exited the front door to go back to the office. "I never knew your hands were so warm,(y/n). I never knew that a cold hearted person would have such warm hands,"said  Jungkook while squeezing your hand tighter.  You laughed in pain,but you were slightly pink in your face when you heard the familiar voice of your friend, Nicole call out your name. You immediately turned around to see her standing by the front door with books in her hand.

"Did I interrupt something???"She asked while her eyes began to stare at your hand which was locked with Jungkooks. You followed her big green eyes and your eyes met on your hand...... You immediately took your hand out of Jungkooks grip and wiped it on the side of your pants.
"Ni-nicole, hey! What you doing here??? "You asked while trying to hide your red face.

"You left your books at Rojel so I thought I would bring it here for you,"she replied while placing the books in your hands. "I have to get going now, I need to - my mom told me to come home early so..."
Before Nicole could finish her sentence, she was out the door. You were about to run after her because you knew as a best friend how much hurt this caused her because she was attached to Jungkook, she had a major crush on him........

You placed your books on the table before attempting to run after her,but Jungkook pulled your arm and said,"You did nothing wrong."

Tutoring the rich boy....jungkook x readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz