Marigold left and soon returned with Cecile and Felicite who were in the garden. "Good morning, darlings." You greeted them with hugs and kisses. "Morning, mama!" They replied in unison. "So, what do you think we should do today? The boys are all gone. It's just us today." You asked them both, it wasn't often you got days like this. "Can we have a cup of tea in the library and, and a story!" Felicite's hand rose in the air, as she explained her idea.

"What do think of that idea, Cecile?" You raised an eyebrow with a sly smirk. "I am rather fond of that idea, Mama!" She exclaimed, happily agreeing with you. "Its settled then. I will see you girls in the library for afternoon tea." You gave them a kiss on the cheek and sent them off to go play. "Get some rest, my lady. I will wake you when it's time." Marigold reassured after she noted your yawns.

"Thank you, Marigold." You murmured lying your head back down on your pillow. "Not a problem, my lady." Marigold left you in peace.

An Hour or so later.

Strangely enough, you were not awoken by Marigold's gentle shakes, coaxing you out of bed, reminding of you of your promise to the girls. It was a dull pain in lower abdomen area. Then, it hit you. "Lord, have mercy!" You muttered to yourself. You were going into labor. You would know, this was your sixth. You rang your bell and in seconds Marigold appeared at the doorway.

"I was just about to come wake you when you rang, my lady." Marigold spoke up, concerned filling her eyes. "You have to do me a number of favors. You have to get the doctor, and you must find my husband. I fear that I am going into labor." You instructed the young servant girl her duties exactly, in a very calm tone.

"Oh and get the girls I will inform them as well." You added before she got to the door. "Whatever you wish, madame." She answered quickly. Moments later in come Cecile and Felicite. "Do you feel okay, mama?" Felicite questioned you. "Mama is getting ready to have the baby so we are going to have reschedule tea time for another day, okay girls?" You breathed, explaining the situation to them through the pain. "This is so exciting, mama! I am so happy for you!" Cecile proclaimed joyfully.

"Well, thank you, Cecile. What are you thinking over there, Felicite?" Felicite did not react as she was deep thought, she was a very serious six year old. "Will it hurt when the baby comes out?" Felicite asked you, looking up at you with her big blue eyes. "A little, but not enough for you to worry about. Go on and look out for your father and brothers, girls." The girls gave you one last kiss and were off. You tried sitting up better and endure the pain. 

Then, you heard what you perceived as a rumble of thunder. A good old fashioned summer storm. All you could hope and pray Gaston wasn't far from the house by now. "Mama, Father has returned!" Cecile announced in the door way. "Thank you, dear! Send him up right away!" You said as your breathing relaxed after getting through yet another contraction. 

"Papa! It's Mama! She needs you! She's having the baby!" Felicite greeted her father at the bottom of the wooden stairs as he scooped her up in his arms and he kissed her on the cheek. "The baby is coming?" Gaston's eyes widened. "Not yet, but Mother is in labor!" Cecile was able to confirm. "Oh okay then well you excuse me, girls." Gaston placed Felicite back on the ground and jogged up the stairs. 

Sebastien, Christopher, and Henri followed in suit, drenched from the rain. "Boys! Mama is having the baby!" Felicite happily exclaimed, stepping in front of them. "What are you talking about?" Sebastien looked down at his younger sister quizzically. "She's right, in a way. Mama hasn't had the baby yet, but she's not too far off now." Cecile backed up her younger sister's claims. "Who would have thought? Well, we made great timing then, didn't we lads?" Christopher bumped his older brother Sebastien in the shoulder with a toothy grin. "Are you kidding me, Chris? That's all your excited about? Mama is having the baby!" Cecile slapped Christopher on the shoulder. 

"You know she's right." Henri crossed his arms over his chest with a sly smirk. "Go get washed up and get out of those wet clothes before you catch a cold! Go on now!" Cecile barked at her brothers, pushing them aside. "We know, we know." They each said, shaking their heads. 

While you and Gaston began to fear you were going to have to give birth to this baby yourselves. "Where is he, Gaston? I-I told Marigold to go after him?" Your contractions were getting shorter apart which meant it was getting closer to the delivery. "I don't know if I can do this without him, Gaston." You groaned, squeezing your sheets. Gaston picked up the damp cloth and wiped your brow. "You are going to have this baby and everything will be just fine." Gaston tried to reassure you, and himself at the same time.

"Why don't I ring for Marigold and see what happened. Would that make you feel better?" Gaston raised an eyebrow. "Okay." You nodded your head reluctantly. "Alright then." Gaston pulled the bell. Marigold nervously entered the room. "Have you heard any word from the doctor, Marigold?" Gaston questioned her. "I did send one of the stable boys to him, but I am afraid the rain might have put a damper on things." Marigold replied in a shaky voice.

It was going up to be you and Gaston now. "Thank you, Marigold. You are excused." Gaston sighed to himself, giving you his hand. "How are we going to do this, Gaston?"  You pressed your lips together, trying to stop yourself from crying, but a few managed to escape. "We are going to make this work." Gaston flicked your tears from you cheeks gently with his thumb. "Ooh. I think it's time, Gaston." You said as you ripped off your sheets and spread your feet. Gaston knelt at the end of the bed and ordered you to push. 

You pushed and you pushed. Gaston encouraged to push a little more, go the extra mile. He said things to you like, I can see the head, and you are doing phenomenal. All it took was one last push and the baby was here. "It's a girl, Y/N!" Gaston held your little girl up for you to see. "She is beautiful, Gaston." You smiled largely. Gaston cleared everything up and washed the baby up, handed her to you. You were able to spend one on one time with the baby. "Didn't we agree Zelie for a girl?" You smirked up at him. "I believe that is so. " Gaston pursed his lips together. "Do you think we should call the children to meet their sister?" Gaston suggested to you. "Oh alright, we shouldn't keep them in suspense much longer." You agreed with a chuckle. "Kids! Come in here!" Gaston yelled loudly. You hear feet stomping up the stairs and then all of your children filed in. 

"Meet your new baby sister, Zelie." You presented her to them. "Oh my!" "Wow" Their gasps filled the room. You were happy and whole family now. 

The End!  

A/N: Just to note, the titles for all of theses stories it's the meaning of the child's name! And lol I am not going in order!! 

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