1 - Near

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Harry knew he was close. He didn't know how, he just knew. He was going to die. He was going to protect the world from Voldemort. He had convinced himself he was going to,  and even if he wasn't sure how.

Of course, Hermione and Ron could kill of Voldemort. And even if they d- if they didn't manage to kill Nagini, Neville could. That's why Harry told him.

You never know, Neville could even be a hero. Harry would be glad if that happened. Neville had suffered enough, he deserved to have a reward.

And Hermione and Ron were destined for one another, so they'd be fine without him. If Neville didn't kill Voldemort, then they would. Maybe they would even do it in his honour. That would be nice of them. He hoped they knew that he cared for them. Because he knew he couldn't tell them now.

Not when he was about to die.

Not when he was about to be killed by Voldemort.

He was ready. He wanted to die. Of course, he didn't want Voldemort to kill him, 'cause old Moldyshorts would show off. He'd say that he defeated him. When Harry had given himself up.

But Voldemort had to kill him. Otherwise old Tommy wouldn't die. Harry had to due in order for the Wizarding World to be at peace.

He was ready.

The wand was pointed at him.

Harry closed his eyes in anticipation.

Voldemort cast the spell, 'Avada Kedavra!'

Harry collapsed onto the ground, not moving, not breathing. Not alive.

My first chapter for my first story. I might write another story, but this one will be my main one. Bye!


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