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luke sat in the corner of his bed, cuddled up in a blanket with a candle on the small table beside him.

"alright. i put the waterproof tarp over the tent. thanks for the help, luke." ashton said sarcastically, making luke giggle a little bit.

calum and michael stepped in out of the rain, and calum walked over to ashton's bed, but michael just stood there, looking at luke.

"what?" luke asked.

"you just look really pretty." michael said quietly, and luke smiled, patting the bed beside him.

michael smiled and ran over, sitting down beside luke.

"is it gonna storm bad tonight?" luke asked.

"not so bad they we have to go to the cafeteria for shelter, but it's supposed to thunder." ashton said.

"okay. i'm okay with little thunder but not big thunder." luke said softly, feeling like a baby for saying that.

"aw he's so precious." michael cooed and laid his head on luke's lap.

luke smiled and sat his book down for a second. he played with michael's hair as he listened to the rain hit the top of the tent.

luke glanced over and saw ashton and calum making out. it wasn't so intense that it was gross, it was sweet, but he didn't necessarily like that they were making out on a bed 5 feet away from him.

"they're being gross." luke whispered, making michael laugh a little bit.

"hey, me and luke are gonna go down to the lake really fast before the storm comes. if you're going to have sex, please make it quick. we'll be back in like 20 minutes." michael said, pulling luke up from the sea of blankets he was in.

luke giggled as he put on his converse and ran after michael who was running down the bank in the rain.

when they were on the bank, luke took off his shirt, shoes, and pants just like michael did, and followed him into the freezing cold lake.

"why did we come here?" luke asked, and michael just smiled, swimming away. luke abruptly followed, swimming behind the older boy.

"there's no reason. i figured we could give ashton and calum
a few minutes alone, and i could start talking you out of you comfort zone." michael said, making luke furrow his eyebrows.

"look up." michael said, and luke looked up at the cliff the boys jump from.

"it's not even that high, luke. please just try it." michael said, and luke smiled, leaning onto michael.

"i'm gonna do it. i'm gonna jump, just stay right here.." luke said, and swam back to the shore.

luke climbed up to the cliff, and michael smiled as the shy boy stepped onto the edge.

"i wanna see you be brave today, luke!" michael yelled up at him.

luke looked out at the dark clouds, and than back down to michael. he smiled as he felt the lake water running down his face.

a smile broke out across michael's face as he watched luke jump, falling towards the water.

the blonde boy went under, and michael swam over to him, holding him when he came back up out of the water.

"i did it!" luke laughed, placing his hands on michael's shoulders.

"i'm so proud of you!" michael said, smiling as luke pressed their foreheads together.

michael glanced down at luke's lips, and the younger boy wanted to kiss michael so bad, but he was scared.

the rain picked up, and luke just knew this would be a perfect time for a first kiss.

"we should probably head back right?" luke whispered against michael lips.

michael nodded, and they both started swimming back to land.

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