“I’m not afraid to go limp, Philip.”

“You’re wearing a dress, Mini Me. I would not advise that,” Phil chuckled, “I just want to have lunch with my best friend.” I stand up a little straighter and smile at Phil.

“Aww, Philly! You’re so sweet!” We walk into the cafeteria and head towards the food line. I judge his choice of getting the pizza, saying it’s a heart attack waiting to happen. He retaliates and says the sandwich I picked up probably has fake meat on it. We continue bickering until we reach the table he always sits at.

“Where’s Dan?”I ask, unwrapping my sandwich.

“I don’t know,” he shrugs, “I’m not his keeper.” I roll my eyes and push his shoulder.

“Why do you care? I thought you guys were fighting?” He takes a bite of his pizza and gives me a sidelong glance.

“We.. we’re not fight–“ Phil gives me a look, “He called me last night and apologized for being a dick. Not exactly in those words…”

“Well, that’s go–“ A tray slams down next to me.

“Hey babe.” Alex slides into the seat next to me. A few of his friends take seats around us.

“Uh… hi, Alex. Wh-what are you doing?”

“I figured we could talk a little bit about the dance.” He leans into me and I involuntarily lean closer to Phil.

“Oh, okay. I wasn’t aware we still had things to discuss.” At that moment, Dan comes running up to the table. This is a nightmare. This was my nightmare. This was not happening right now.

“Hey guys. Sorry, I had to stay behind in class and…” His gaze turns to Alex. He looks around the rest of the table before his eyes land on Phil. Phil shrugs and shakes his head slightly.

“I didn’t realize there were other people with you,” Dan says slowly.

“Dan, right?” Alex says to him, “Pull up a chair. I’m sure we can find room for you.” Dan’s eyes flick towards me briefly. He chuckles lightly.

“Ahh… you know… I just remembered that I have something… I need to go take care of something. I’ll just–“ He quickly turns around and starts to leave the room. Shit. Shit. Shit. Things were just beginning to be okay again. I can’t let him walk out mad at me. I look over at Phil. He reads the expression in my eyes with ease and nods once. I start gathering my things.

“Actually… I just remembered I, umm… There’s, uh… I forgot to do the thing I was supposed to do.” I stood up from the table, tripping over the chair leg in the process. I start backing away from the table.

“So I’m just gonna go… do the thing. Bye.” I turn around quickly, nearly knocking into someone. I mumble an apology and run out of the cafeteria. I don’t see Dan anywhere. He could literally be anywhere. This was a big school. However, something was pulling me towards the library. I followed my gut upstairs. If he was actually here, there was only one place he was going to be. My spot. I maneuvered through the stacks to my table by the back window.

“Dan,” I breathe out. He looks up at me, slightly startled.

“Y/N… what are you doing here?” I pull out the chair across from him and sit down. I shrug and open one of my notebooks.

“This is my spot.”

“I don’t see your name on it,” he smirks.

“I’m not really one to deface public property.” He chuckles and looks down at the table.

“I’m fine,” He says, “You didn’t have to come after me.”

“Who’s to say I was? I have a free period after lunch. This is where I spend it.”

“Hope you don’t mind me crashing your party.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m not feeling up to my Drama class.”

“You can’t skip, Dan.”

“You did. Twice.”

Because I… don’t follow my example.” Dan leans back in his chair and runs his hand through his hair. He purses his lips in thought. He sighs and says, “Look, I just really don’t want to deal with your boyfriend next class, okay.”

“My what? He’s not my boyfriend. Alex is in your class? Not my boyfriend. Definitely not. No. We’re literally just going to the dance together and that’s it.”

“Then why is he always,” Dan gestures with his hands, “Touching you? Every time I see you with him, he has his hands all over you.”

“Are you jealous, Daniel?”

“What!? No! Jealous of what? No. I mean… fuck.” The bell rings, signaling the end of lunch. I look down at the table, twirling a pen between my fingers. I put my free arm up on the table and rest my chin in my hand.

“Shouldn’t you be headed to class?” I smirk.

“I’m fine here,” he smiles at me. I feel my stomach flip when he turns that beautiful smile towards me. Now was really not the time for these feelings to surface. 

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