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I knocked lightly on Phil’s door and rang the doorbell. Dan stood behind me with his hands in his pockets. I heard shuffling from the other side of the door. Locks were unlocked, and the door swung open. Phil stood before me looking a little sleepy. Once his eyes focused on us, he seemed to wake up immediately.

“Hi guys,” he beamed, “What are you doing here?”

“Philip!” I tackled the older boy with a hug. I latch my arms around his waist and nuzzle my face into his chest.

“Hi Y/N,” he chuckles. He takes a couple steps back, with me still attached to his waist, to let Dan into the house.

“Y/N wanted to drop off the work you missed,” Dan explained. I finally released Phil from my death grip. He smiled down at me.

“Thanks, Mini Me,” Phil ruffles my hair a bit. I glare at him and swat his hand away, “You promised you wouldn’t call me that anymore!”

“There’s a story here,” Dan says, eyes brightening, “Mind sharing?”

“When we were little,” Phil leads us into the living room, “ She used to follow me around everywhere. Our parents started referring to her as my mini me. She hates it, I love it.”

“It doesn’t help that you’re a freaking giant! Both of you!”

“That’s cute,” Dan laughs. I crinkle my nose and glance over at him. I swear I see a faint blush on his cheeks. Phil looks at me, then he looks at Dan. An odd look crosses over his face. I look at him in confusion, but he just smiles at me. He was hiding something. I don’t know what it is, but Phil is terrible t keeping secrets. I’d find out sooner or later.

“What did I miss today?” Phil took a seat in one of the chairs. I sat on the couch and opened my bookbag. Dan leaned against the doorway as I explained the work Phil had missed. After about an hour, I looked at the time again.

“Crap! I gotta get home!” I frantically shoved my belongings back into my bag.

“Do you just want to stay the night?” Phil asked.

“I’m already grounded. He’ll never go for it,” I sigh.

“Do you need me to drive you home?” Dan asks.

“No need,” Phil chuckles, “ She’s just next door.” I throw my bag over my shoulder and run to the door.

“Bye guys, see you at school!” I call over my shoulder. I cut across Phil’s yard into mine. I thank the heavens my dad isn’t home yet. I open the door in record time. I don’t stop running until I’m safely in my room. I close the door behind me and slide down until I’m sitting on the floor. Only then do I finally take a breath.

I should explain a few things. I live with my dad. He and my mom got divorced two years ago. He got full custody of me on account that my mother didn’t want me. She’d much rather travel the world with her boyfriend, Richard, and my tagging along would just drag her down. I don’t mind living with my dad. It’s just… he’s developed an anger problem. All the rage he held onto while my mom was cheating on him is finally coming out. I just have the unfortunate luck to be in the crossfire. I haven’t been able to do anything ‘fun’ for the past year because of my dad. He’s gotten really strict and I’m basically not allowed to do anything. I have to be home at a certain time after school. It doesn’t count if I’m over at Phil’s. I have to physically be in my own home. Trust me, I’ve tested out this particular boundary. Hence why I’m currently grounded.

I sighed, having finally caught my breath. I decided I needed a shower. Maybe I could wash some of this stress away. My thoughts turned to Dan while I was in the shower. Don’t get any perverted ideas; it was nothing like that. I was merely thinking about how I was dumb for being scared to talk to him in the first place. I still hadn’t talked to him much today, but I have a better understanding of who he is now. I still think he’s incredibly good-looking, and I still can’t believe he actually willingly talked to me. I guess I can see us actually becoming friends. So long as Phil is around.

I finished with my shower and walked back to my room. The house was still dead silent; my dad wasn’t home yet. I clutched the knot to my towel tightly. I dug around in my drawers for a clean t-shirt and some gym shorts. I turned around and I was just about to drop my towel to change, when I saw Dan staring at me with his jaw dropped. I screamed and ducked down. I crawled over to my window, and reached up and closed the blinds. I put my knees up to my chest and buried my face in my hands.

“That did not just happen. I’m imagining things.” I crawl up onto my knees and peek through the blinds. Dan is no longer in the window. Maybe I did just imagine him being there. If I say it enough times, maybe I can convince myself that’s what actually happened. I quickly change into my clean clothes and lay on my bed.

“Y/N?” I hear my dad call. I jump up and go downstairs to greet him.

“Hi daddy,” I give him a quick peck on the cheek, “You’re home late.”

“Got a little tied up at work,” he grumbles, “ Someone’s been stealing from the safe. None of us were allowed to leave until we caught the culprit. Homework done?” I nodded. He returned my nod then shuffled off to his room. He must have really been tired. Usually there would be more questions to make sure I’d done what I was supposed to. I wasn’t complaining though. My thoughts were still on the fact that Dan almost saw me naked. I shook my head and tried to clear it of the thoughts.

“Nothing a little video game violence won’t help,” I say to myself as I make my way back to my room.

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