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Chapter 2


It's been two weeks since Clyde and I stayed up all night playing video games. Right now we are getting ready to go visit our dad. It's only a two hour drive from Bakersfield to Los Angeles, but we haven't seen him in months. Moms going on a business trip somewhere, she won't tell me where though, so Clyde gets to drive because I can't yet. After watching all those car crash videos they show in high school I couldnt bring myself to get behind the wheel. Clyde doesn't like dad, and he would leave me, but he loves me and will put up with dad because of that. I technically don't have to visit dad anymore since I'm eighteen and all, but like I said I love my dad and I'll do anything for him.   

 We take off in the morning, so I'm packing now. I packed enough clothes, books, electronics, and accessories to last for a few weeks. I like to be prepared and I have three bags full by the end. Clyde walks into my room and glances at my bags.

"Are you preparing for the zombie apocalypse or something?" He chuckles.

"Clyde you moron, if I was preparing for the apocalypse there would a lot more sitting here." I say rolling my eyes.

"Yeah yeah." He picks up the two heavy bags. "Holy hell Cart, what you got in these things?"

I giggle. "They are just clothes." Then I shrug.

Clyde moves to pick up the other bag and I freak out.

"No that's my gaming bag." I grab it from him. "I'll take it to the car in the morning." I set it on the floor. "I still have to round up some things in the morning."

"Okay." He adjusts the bags and goes to walk out, but I stop him. "What is it Carter?" He asks.

"I just want to thank you for this trip. I know you don't like dad, but. . . Thanks." I go to hug him, but realize the bags are taking up his whole torso, so I back off and rub my arms. I hear the bags hit the floor and the next thing I know I can't breathe because Clyde is squeezing me to death. I laugh and smile. "Clyde, I can't breathe!"

Clyde sets me down and apologizes. "You needed that kid."

"Don't call me kid! You're only two year's older!"

"You're eighteen, and I'm twenty. Im my world you're still a kid." He winks.

"Just go finish packing the truck wise guy."

"Yes, Ms. Wilder." Clyde says sarcastically before walking out.

I shake my head at him and am getting ready to go see what moms up to, when my phone buzzes on my night table. I stand there staring at it for a minute. Who could be texting me? I have no real friends, nothing that would leave school and school is over for me, until college. I walk over to the table and pick up my phone; it's a text from my father. I grin and open it: Hey Carts. I can't wait to see you tomorrow I have a lot planned for us. I got us concert tickets. Think Clyde will want to come? I got him a ticket too. Anyways, drive safe. Love you.

I smile and text him back: Daddy! Sounds like fun, can't wait! <3 u. Oh and yes Clyde will come. I'll make him. See u soon!

I set my phone back on the night stand and pick up my book. It's late, but too early for bed. So, the best thing to do now is go find mom and read with her. We don't really know how to talk to each other, but we love each other's company, so we often just sit together or sit and read next to each other.

I find her in the living room watching a movie; I know what the movie is right away. I've watched it a million times. It's The Last Song with Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth. I loved that movie when I was little, but now I'm not so sure. Once Miley quit doing Hannah Montana she turned into something awful, in my opinion. So I took down all my posters, lyrics, and other Miley/Hannah things and boxed them up. Now my room is covered in doodles of mine and video games I like.

I'm trying to determine whether I want to stay or not when my mom notices me. Crap, I don't want to watch this with her.

"Hey honey. Can I help you with something?"

I glance at the television then back at my mom. "Naw, I'm good."

She sees the book in my hand and takes the hint. She turns off the T.V. and smiles. "Come sit."

"Thanks mom. I sit next to her on the couch. "Sorry for making you shut it off." I say pointing at the T.V.

"No, it's fine. It's not like it hasn't been watched a billion times in this house." She teases.

I sigh and shake my head. "Read?" I ask her.

            "Actually I would like to watch T.V. I haven't in a while, but I'll pick something we both like, fair enough?"

            "Sure, works for me." I set my book down and move closer to my mom. She picks a show, but I don't really want to watch. She's five feet four and built like a model. She's got brown hair, blue eyes and a naturally tan complexion. Clyde looks exactly like her, it is crazy. I used to be told I look like mom, but now everyone thinks I look like dad. That's fine with me; I'm a daddy's girl.

Mom wants Clyde to move out, but he is staying for me. They worked out an agreement, he pays rent and helps out and she lets him live here and take care of me. I don't want to leave mom yet and I'm sure she doesn't want me to leave for awhile longer.

I still don't know why my parents got a divorce. I have my suspicions, but I don't push the matter because it's still a really sensitive subject. I think it happened because of mom. She travels a lot and traveling is almost never good on a family.

I'm not sure how long I'm on the couch with mom, but apparently I fell asleep because the next thing I know is being shaken awake by someone.

"Huh?" I mumble. "What's going on?"

I open my eyes to see Clyde standing over me. "Mom didn't want to wake you, so she asked me to. She went to bed." Clyde pats my cheek. "Wake up so you can go get in bed. You need the sleep."

"Carry me?" I ask holding out my arms.

Clyde laughs. "Oh my gosh Carter." He says as he picks me up. "I'll carry you upstairs, but you're on your own from there."

"Mkay, thanks bro, you're the best." I mutter.

"I know Carter." I hear the smile in his voice. "Set your alarm for six in the morning I want to be gone by eight, and I know how long you take in the morning.

I grin as he sets me down. "Yes sir."

"Good night kiddo."

"Blah." I grumble. "Good night." I say walking into my room.

Clyde's music is softly playing from his room when I come back out to change. I frown and sigh because his insomnia must be affecting him. I go into the bathroom and rinse off with a washcloth, and drowsily brush my teeth. Then dress for bed. I stumble to my bed and shake out the blanket before crawling in. I'm out before my head hits the pillow.

I dream about meeting someone fabulous in L.A. 

She Came in Like a Wrecking Ball (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now