The Present

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Chapter 1


The Present

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groan as I wake up, and think stupid alarm clock. I click it off without opening my eyes and snuggle deeper into the covers. I'm just drifting off again when I realize that this is the first day of summer and I don't have to get up. My eyes fly open and I'm momentarily startled by a clump of red hair lying next to me. It takes a couple moments for me to register that this is my hair and that I recently died it a red rose color. I smile. This color is my favorite.

I try to go back to sleep, but I can't, I'm too excited for the summer to start. I jump out of bed, grab some clothes and run to the bathroom before anyone can see me. I don't exactly sleep naked, but I don't really wear much clothing either. All I need is a long shirt and female boxers. Sexy isn't it? I take off my pajamas and hop in the shower. An hour or so later my makeup and hair is done and I'm dressed in deep blue Hollister/Abercrombie and Finch moose short shorts with a black T-shirt with a kitty on it. My skin is soft and on the paler side, even though I spend a good amount of time outside. I'm putting in my nose stud when there is a banging on the bathroom door.

"Carter get out of there. I have to pee!" Clyde yells through the door.

"If you don't like it, get your own place." I shout back.

My brother and I have the closest relationship any brother and sister could have. I always harass him about moving out, but the truth is I never want him to leave.

I slip my class ring on my index finger and throw open the bathroom door. I smile at Clyde, he doesn't smile back. I can tell he's trying his hardest not to pee himself. I pick up the things I left lying on the counter and put them away.

"Can't you do that later? C'mon I really got to go."

"Oh, I know Clyde." I frown as I bend to pick up my pajamas. "But you know how mom gets when I don't clean up right away."

Clyde looks down. "Yeah, I know. Sorry. But really, I do have to pee can I have the bathroom now please?"

"That's all you had to say." I say as I walk past him.

I deposit my dirty clothes in my room and go into the living room. It's on the music channel and Miley Cyrus is singing "Party in the U.S.A". I groan and turn the television off.  I don't mind the song, but I hate what Miley has become. She's nothing like the kid I saw on Disney Channel eight years ago, when Hannah Montana first started.

"Hey I was listening to that!" My mom runs in with a bowl of something white in her hand. "Oh, Carter, you're up early." She looks at from the TV to me and back. "I thought you liked Miley?"

"That's when I was fourteen mom. I'm eighteen now, and we have both changed. She has changed for the worst." I flop on the couch and grab my book off the end table.

Mom glares at me and I understand why. I've changed into something she didn't expect me too.

"You don't know what she's been through Carter. Give her some slack."

"Yeah sure, whatever you say mother." I say opening my book and beginning to read.

Mom starts to walk back to the kitchen, but thinks better of it and comes back. "Breakfast will be ready in fifteen minutes." She tells me, and then walks away.

I read until breakfast is ready and then make my way into the kitchen. Clyde comes running down the stairs like a wolf is chasing him.

"Move Carter, I'm starving."

"Whoa, hold up Clyde. I was here first." I say pushing him away from the plates.

Breakfast is pancakes, with fruit. I grab a plate and stack it with strawberries and raspberries and then add a small pancake. Clyde is standing next to me tapping his foot the whole time. He is the most impatient person I've ever met, not that I've met many. I've never really had friends. Finally I step away from the counter and let Clyde have at the pancakes. I get a glass of grape juice and sit at the table with mom who has already gotten her breakfast. I'm glad it's a Saturday; it means mom gets some time off to spend relaxing.

Mom and I are talking about the book she's reading when her cell phone rings next to her. I glance and it and then at mom. I know what this means. Mom has to go to work. Mom gives me a sad smile and touches my hand before she walks off to take the phone call.

I know Clyde has seen this whole thing because he just set his plate in the sink. I don't look up though; I sit and push the food on my plate around. I sigh and stand up, but as I try to walk away Clyde blocks my path.

"Hey." He pets the top of my head. "Do you want to play some PS3? It's your choice." He winks.

This is why Clyde hasn't moved out yet. I need him. Especially since we don't see dad much anymore, I have the divorce to thank for that.  

"Yeah, that would be nice. Thank you."

Clyde eyes my plate and I can't help but giggle. "Take it you bottomless pit."

Clyde grabs my plate and wolfs down the food. "C'mon lets go."

He takes the plate to the sink and then is on the couch waiting for me to pick the game. I go slowly because I'm sad about mom having to work. I am taking too long apparently because Clyde comes and hauls me to the couch.

"Clyde!" I screech and then laugh.

He throws me on the couch and grabs some games off the shelf and tosses them on my lap. "Choose wisely girl."

I choose a game I know we will both enjoy: Ghost Recon two.

We play it all day long. I had originally planned to go to the mall and check out guys, but this is much better. We finally stop playing around one in the morning. I don't know when or if mom comes home. I fall asleep before I can register that I'm tired. Clyde just throws a blanket over me, I know because it wakes me up for a split second. I sigh and thank him for the wonderful day. Or at least I think that's what I say, I'm so out of it I don't know what comes out of my mouth.

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