"Yeah, I was quite angry. But I figured my heart doesn't care, so I just..."

Oh no. Amelia sighted in her thoughts. She must break his heart now, she always had hated that.

"Please, don't. Vincent, we are on my wedding party. And if I'm not mistaken, I didn't marry you."

"Look, Amelia, I know you don't love this abomination. I know you can be different and...we don't have to tell anyone."

The heretic gently took the witch's hands of her. A hurt expression was on his face.

"Vince, please, don't make it hard for yourself. We both know that you're more fascinated by my powers than you are by me and no, I can't be different. I'm quite murderous and you...aren't."

She gave him a light smile. The witch couldn't look at her anymore.


Vincent started to speak, but was interrupted. Suddenly, Amelia felt hands on her waist and was pulled back into Elijah's chest.

"Vincent, I think it's time for you to leave."

His dark voice left no room to discuss. Vincent just turned around and left the compound.

"I think that's the reason why I shouldn't let you dance with anyone else tonight."

"Wow, I really feel kidnapped."

Both of them laughed and continued on the evening.


They danced, ate, drank and chatted for hours and both of them seemed incredibly happy. Amelia got to know quite a lot of people, including Hayley's new boyfriend who was actually a nice guy. She danced with Hope and laughed a lot.

When every guest had left and all the Mikaelson's had gone to their bedrooms, Amelia and Elijah had shared one last dance without any music, just by theirselves. Afterwards, they also went up the stairs, their hands never parting. They stopped in front of Elijah's bedroom door.

"I think it's time to wish you a peaceful night."

Both of them shifted, feeling quite awkward right now. Amelia bit her lip, she had to spill the beans.

"You don't have to. We're not ready yet."

Elijah frowned, giving her a confused look. His bride sighted, stepping into his room, closing the door behind them.

"What do we have to do?"

Amelia rolled her eyes, grabbing behind her back to slowly open the buttons of her dress.

"Please, don't play dumb on me. This is an ancient ritual, you know what we have to do..."

Her eyes didn't leave his as she let the dress slip to the ground, revealing her flawless body covered just by some underwear consisting of thin lace. Before he could think, Elijah licked his suddenly dry lips.

"We have to fulfill the marriage."

She whispered, feeling how Elijah looked her up and down. He was just a man after all. It wasn't feeling awkward anymore. Amelia felt strong and beautiful as she loosed her hair out of the tight knot and let it fall loosely around her bare shoulders. She stepped closer to her husband and wrapped her arms around her neck before she kissed him slowly and passionately.

Elijah's hands rested on her small back before they went up to unclasp her bra, leaving shivers of pleasure on her skin. Both of their breaths increased when Amelia quickly stripped Elijah off his jacket, vest and shirt. Finally she could touch his heated skin, feeling hard muscles under her fingers.

He lifted her on his hips and carried her to his huge bed, not breaking the kiss. When he had lay her on the soft sheets, she could feel his hands all over her body. She bent her back up and let herself fall into the stream of passion and lust.


Amelia couldn't really understand how she shifted that quickly from hating this man to have sex with him and cuddle on his chest. She had imagined that this would feel like an obligation, but the opposite had taken place. Never had she enjoyed sleeping with someone that much. She calmed herself with the thought, that this was this ancient bond and that she couldn't do much about it.

Elijah also seemed to be deep in thought. Lightly, he pushed her off his chest and sat up and stare out of the window.

"What'll happen now? Will we see a big light and the devil jump out of it, destroy the Hallow and we live happily ever after?"

His voice was kind of sharp, filled with doubt.

"It's kinda funny, we, talking about the devil, after devilishly good sex. I'll ask him if he likes to be referred to that often."

"Amelia. Please."

She sighted and rolled her eyes.

"I honestly don't know what'll happen. We'll have to wait and see. I assume he will show up somewhere, which could be anywhere, depending on which gate the other lackeys opened. He'll come here, but I don't think he'll arrive within the next 2 or 3 days. But I don't think that's actually the thing bothering you."

The heretic placed her hands on his broad shoulders.

"It's ok, Elijah. I know it's morbid, but I'm more happy right now than I was in the last millennium."

She pulled him back so she could reach his lips for another soft kiss. Elijah turned around and pressed her back into the mattress, hovering over her, his strong arms next to her head.

"Well, if the devil won't show up tomorrow, then we'll have another perfect day. We deserved a little honeymoon, don't we?"

The Devil In Me - Elijah Mikaelson -Where stories live. Discover now