Although Helen tried to stay cool on the outside, in her mind she was dancing a jig with her hands raised above her head.

When Gabe and Abby managed to pull themselves back to the real world, they exchanged grins as they noticed Pod and Helen locked together. 

"So I guess they aren't in denial anymore." Gabe chuckled. 

Abby's reply was drowned out by loud whistles and cheering from Gaz, Phil and their wives, much to Pod and Helen's dismay. 

Before things got out of hand Gabe decided it was time to leave. 

"Come on you rowdy bunch of losers, let's get back to the hotel and get something to eat." He shouted over the ruckus. 

He pulled Abby close to his side as he started heading for the exit, hoping the others would follow. 

They split into two groups for the taxi ride back to the hotel. Both cabs were filled with excited chatter as they all caught up with their loved ones. 

Abby tried to stifle a yawn as they pulled up at the hotel, which drew a worried frown from Gabe. 

"Are you okay baby? I don't want you overdoing it." 

"I'm fine Gabe, I just need something to eat, I'm starving." As if to prove the point, her stomach growled loudly, making her blush. 

Gabe laughed as he helped her out of the cab. 

"Come on then, let's see what room service has to offer. Then we can do something about what I'm hungry for." He whispered the last part into her ear, making her colour rise again.

Abby slowly woke up and stretched, her body ached, but it was a good feeling. That feeling of being thoroughly satisfied and gloriously languid. She turned to look at Gabe, only to find his side of the bed empty. She frowned as she looked around their room, sighing with relief when she saw him stood in only his boxers, staring out the window. 

"Hey, what time is it?" 

When he didn't answer, she got up off the bed and walked up behind him. Sliding her hands around his waist and kissing his back, she was surprised to feel how tense he was. 


His shoulders slumped and his body visibly relaxed under her touch, he turned around and held her tight, savouring the moment. 

Abby pulled back a little so that she could look into his eyes. He looked troubled and she reached up to smooth the worry lines from his face. 

"What's wrong?" 

He stared back at her, his emerald eyes searching her face as she waited for him to answer.

"I got a call from Joe today." He began, his voice barely above a whisper. 

"Why do I get the feeling that I'm not going to like what he had to say?" 

"His team has found Cherylynn and she wants to make a deal."  


"She will make a public apology and donate $500,000 to the charity of my choice." 

Abby was about to reply that it was good thing, but she noticed his jaw muscles twitching with unreleased tension. 

"Well that's good isn't it?"  

"If only it was that simple, but this is Cherylynn we're talking about and she has one stipulation." 

Stay - Book two in The Stormforce seriesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя