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SYNOPSIS: Seeking revenge on the people that killed his mother and landed his father in prison, a boy named Brooks destroys his town's most lively night club with the help of his friend, Hailey.

This was supposed to be based off of the song by X Ambassadors, but I got off track and ended up only getting the general idea of the lyrics (or, rather, my take on the song's significance). It's also not realistically accurate at all because I wrote this on a whim.


Brooks McInroy had no idea what he was to expect when he entered Incandescence, a tiny night club run by careless owners. For starters, he was six years too young to drink, though none regarded his rather childish appearance and instead judged him based on his gullibility. However much he resented the idea of watching out for his safety at all times, he had to go on an important mission that would most likely cost his life.

Cruel irony was operating him like a puppet, strings in hand.

But that wasn't what he was mainly concerned about. In fact, as he scanned the club, shielding his eyes from the plethora of lights that flashed sporadically in his vision, his gaze rested upon one tiny problem.

"Blair," Brooks murmured. What the heck is she doing here?

He watched in horror as his older sister spun around in a barstool, laughing maniacally. The bartender, an old woman who looked as if she had better things to do, slid another shot glass across the marble tabletop. Blair grasped it in a fist and shot her head backward, spilling most of the drink into her lap.

"Blair," Brooks repeated. "Just wait until Mom and Dad find out."

But you aren't so good yourself.

Brooks silently told his conscience to shut up and took a few steps backward until he unintentionally fell against the wall. Two figures stepped inside the building at the corner of his vision, glaring at him as he pulled his dark hoodie further over his face.

Then, he proceeded to pull out his phone, sending the following text to his best friend and partner-in-crime, Hailey Samuel:

Brooks: Just got in. You ready?

In the few seconds of nothing that followed, Brooks kicked at a wine bottle that had somehow rolled its way to his feet. He wondered how he had ended up here: not alone, not unarmed, yet still putting himself up for potential danger, all for a silly act of revenge.

His cell phone vibrated in his palm.

Hailey: No, I'm still in my pajamas. Of course I'm ready, you idiot. Give the signal.

Brooks smirked at the message, though his sweating palms displayed otherwise. Before he could change his mind, he pocketed his device and took a deep breath.

"Has anyone seen my mom?" he yelled at the top of his lungs. In a heart stopping instant, the whole club fell silent.

"Little boy, how did you get in here?" the bartender croaked. "There's a bouncer at the door."

"Um . . . " he paused, sniffling, stalling. "I . . . I don't know."

Blair burst out laughing. "He's my brother, ma'am. Didn't I tell you to stay home? Did you tell Mom?"

With the most serious face he could muster, Brooks replied, "Yes. To both questions."

That was bound to cause confusion, no doubt, but any form of chaos was welcome. Anything that would keep these strangers' eyes off of him would be very convenient . . .

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