2. "The day after"

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Clarke POV:

My first step outside after the deathwave had hit was one of the most scary things I've had ever done. I held my breath as long as I could, for one minute and than i needed to breath.

And that one breath of real air was amazing, finally real air. But what I saw was awful, everything burned down and the lake was almost gone. Everywhere you looked was burned down. Some animals tried to escape the small fires but failed and it was awful just to watch.

I tried to collect as many burned animals as I could because I needed the food, I went backt to Becca's lab to put everything in the freezer except 1 rabbit. I roasted the rabbit above some fire and but it in a bag. I was going to look if there were any survivors in this god dame place.

Luna's POV:

When I woke up in polis I felt my wound it was healing but how I was dead. But how I walked outside and everything was burning and dead body's laying everywhere.

I think the radiation killed all of the other people. Sky crew was right, I knew could trust raven. I'm thinking if she's alive or did radiation really kill the one person who understood me.

The big tower from polis was burned down, and there was almost no nature. I couldn't do anything here, I needed to go to becca's island to see if the laboratory survived.

I searched for thing I could use and I found a couple of blankets and a sword. I was going to look if there were animals who survived or who already were roosted. Every where I looked were small fires, the death wave was real.

Octavia's POV:

We survived praimfaya, but dit bellamy did it does clarke survive. otherwise i lost all my friends in one hour. now i need to be the commander, the winner of the conclave, a strong person.

I can't be that person for 5 years, i cant wait that long for someone to open the door. I need to be Heda for all those people who are now in fear of wat is going to happen.

Indra walks in as i'm thinking what i'm going to say to those people. indra walks up to me and says "here let me help you, with this you become the new comander".

With that the lights went of and from the outside we heard praimfaya comming over us.

Bellamys POV:

We made it we survived i thought. i walked to the window and saw the deathwave comming over the earth. I thougt about clarke did she survive maybe the nightblood worked, i treid to hold back my tears bur i coudn't.

Raven walked nexrt to me and asks "you miss her don't you? i couldnt hold back my tears anymore. raven and i cried in while we huged each other. "I miss her to, she was one of my best friends"Raven says wile creing in my chest.

We both sit dow and fall asleep while watching the earth go up into flames. I dream about Clarke, I think she's alive.

authors note: i really want to know what ships you like in this fanfic??

Byee xx Laura <3

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