I felt a little bad. I am like a trapped bird with some peanut shells to play with in a cage (I made it myself).

"Please Lisa free me. I will go to my dad away from this place very far so the gang leader will not do anything " I pleaded. I was starting to miss my freedom.

At first I asaw hurt on her face, then it turned into a frown.

"Don't do that jax. We have got done with that already." she said.

"you fucking kidnapped me!! For your own fucking reason! My dad can easily finish that man's gang and you know it! But you kidnapped me because you love me!! But did you ask me whether I love you or not? No! I sure kissed you but it was the heat of the moment!" I yelled at her you can tell I scremed.

Her eyed got teary and she looked very hurt, but she should try to understand me, she frigging kidnapped me.

Suddenly her face turns cold, very cold.

"You will not go anywhere!!"she screamed in a very very scary tone. But for some reason it didn't bother me because I was already running towards the door.

"I am never gonna come back here" I said as I near the the door.

But suddenly I was pinned against the wall in a very hard force and I saw the worst thing of my life.

There stood Lisa with new grown tiger like nails from her hand eyes pitch black
Little amount of hair covering her face and let me tell you, she growed inhuman sharp teeth.

She came closer and closer and I started whimpering more, ahw stopped an inches away from my neck and mumbled.

"I am sorry" in a very deep voice. And the she BIT ME!!

This was the worst pain I have felt in my life not even when I was getting bullied, this was ten time worser with a hint of pleasure?

Slowly darkness started consuming me and I was glad. Lisa took her teeth out of my neck with my final whimper I started falling into her hands which I now hated.

"I love you" was the last thing I heard before the darkness consumed me.

Lisa's pov

I marked him.

I marked him without his permission.

Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!

Now he will surely hate me. He would want to go away from this place more now.

What will I do?


It's been an hour and he hasn't woke up yet. I am starting to worry about him. What if he won't get up? What if I bit him harder?

*don't worry he will wake up soon* jaz my wolf said to me, trying to calm me down.

*I don't know. Let's hope for the best*

*yes. Let's take him to the pack doctor she maybe knowing something but you should be there what if she tries to do something with our mate?* jaz says and I roll my eyes at her. No one dare touches my mate with bad intention I will rip their fucking heart out!!

I slowly took jax's sleeping form in my arms and started making my way towards the door. I opened the door and bumped into the last person or persons I wanted to see me like this.

"Oh my God, what happened to him" both maddie and Laura said and I growled when maddie went to touch jax's hand. She jumped back immediately.

"I marked him, and completed half mating process" I said in a emotionless tone.

"That is good right?" Laura asks but maddie just stood there looking suspiciously at me. Yes we have gotten  alot together.

"Without his permission" I said and maddie gasps.

"You made him yours for whole life without even asking him! How dare you! He is my friend hell he is my brother" maddie yells. Not in a hell I will let that happen.

"Don't forget I am still your alpha! Don't cross your limit!" I used my alpha tone at her and she squirmed.

I then turn on my heels and started making my way to the doctor.

I shouldn't had used my alpha tone on her. She is my friend. But it's too late.





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