The One Where Theyre Not Interrupted.

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Hi my guys and my gals and my non binary pals!  My names Lily and I'm writing this chapter because my boi Mason is just too darn embarrassed to write something like this.  You should all leave very very interesting comments bc it'll embarrass the hell out of my smol boi.  Okay, that's all. Enjoy, your corrupted minds ;)
~ Lily
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It was Saturday night, and Jeremy Heere and Michael Mell were sitting in Michaels basement, playing their favorite video game: Apocalypse Of The Damned.
Jeremy couldn't help but looked at his best friend over and over, smiling at him as he played, eyes glued to the screen.
Suddenly, the screen changed to show in big block letters, "Level Complete."
"Wait...did...did we just beat level nine?"  Michael asked, jumping up.
"I think we did,"  Jeremy stood up too, dropping his controller on the bean bag chair.  "Fuck yes."
"Dude, we gotta...we gotta celebrate!"  Michael exclaimed, so Jeremy kissed him on the lips.  Michael pulled away from him, looking like Jeremy had just punched him, then kissed him back.
Jeremy tried walking them over to the bed in the corner, but ended up tripping over Michaels foot and fell forwards into him.
"But excited, are we?" Michael laughed nervously as Jeremy moved his hands up his shirt.
"You said you wanted to celebrate," He replied, kissing him again. He swiped his tongue over Michaels bottom lip, telling him to open his mouth. When he did, Jeremy moved so he had one knee between Michaels thighs and one on the outside of them, instead of laying on top of him.
"Jer-remy..." Michael moaned into his friends mouth. It was lucky his parents weren't home, or he'd be worried about doing something like this.
Jeremy pulled at the other boys hoodie, then lifted it over his head, his shirt soon following. Then Jeremy took off his own shirt and pressed his mouth against Michaels collar bone, earning another low moan.
"Michael," Jeremy said quietly as he felt his jeans get tighter. Michael noticed, and told him it was okay, that he didn't mind.
"If they're so tight, Jer,"  Michael grinned, "Why don't you take them off?"
"Why don't you take yours off?"  Jeremy challenged, and to his surprise, Michael did take his pants off, so he did too.  Michael was wearing boxers with the Pac Man ghosts on them, and Jeremy was wearing a pair that were dark blue.
Michael pulled Jeremy's mouth back to his.  The boys' tongues moved around one another as Jeremy palmed Michael through his boxers.
"Fuck!"  Michael yelled, his nails digging into the back of Jeremy's neck.
"Only if you say please,"  Jeremy whispered into his ear.
"Pl-ah-please,"  He moaned loudly, pulling on Jeremy's hair.
"Please what?"  Jeremy was getting a kick out of this, he moved his hand faster.
"God damnit, Jeremy!"  Michael yelled, "You know what!"
"Hmm...maybe I should just go to sleep..."  Jeremy smirked, starting to get up.
"No,"  Michael said quickly, grabbing onto his arm. "Please?"
"Please what?"  Jeremy repeated his question from earlier.  Michael murmured his response, obviously embarrassed.  "I'm sorry, what was that?"  Jeremy asked, grazing Michaels neck with his teeth.
"Please..."  Michaels face was bright red.  "Please fuck me, Jeremy." 
"Okay,"  He smiled at the boy beneath him, who bit his lip and heaved a sigh, his glasses askew. Jeremy slid down both of their boxer shorts and put three fingers in Michaels mouth.  Michael looked confused about why, but it didn't really matter.
After a minute, Jeremy took his fingers out of Michaels mouth and moved back, then Michael seemed to get why the other boy put his fingers in his mouth.
Jeremy pushed one finger into his best friend, making his gasp in shock. Then he added another, then a third. Michael moaned and clawed at the carpet. Jeremy moved his fingers around until he hit a bundle of nerves, making Michael cry out.
Jeremy removed his fingers and pushed himself in.
"Ow-" Michael gasped, then groaned as Jeremy pushed farther in.  Michael blurted out a string of swear words and Jeremy's name as he moved his hips.
"Michael,"  Jeremy moaned into his shoulder, biting the skin.  Michael arched his back and dragged his nails across Jeremy's back, hard enough to leave scratches.
"Fuck,"  Michael said again as he wrapped his legs around Jeremy's waist, pulling him closer.
"Michael I-"  Jeremy couldn't finish his sentence, because it was done. Jeremy fell against Michael, both of them breathing heavily.
"Fuck..." Michael said breathlessly, the got out from under him and pulled Jeremy over to the bed, covering them up with blankets.
"I love you, Mikey," Jeremy hummed into the pillow.
"I love you, too." Michael said before he fell asleep.

Now back to my boi, Mason.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2017 ⏰

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